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  1. GeePig

    B plus K equals new life

    The bike, when you look at it from a little distance, looks like a presentable bike, but when you get up close - like here - the good bits look a lot less good... I am not sure what you have to do to your bike to end up with a such a rusty bearing. I had a spare front triple sprocket that...
  2. GeePig


    The weather is nice, and here in Krasnystaw you can see quite a few old Romets. I found two here at our local supermarket. This one is a Jubilat 2, and it has the bubble moulded seat, but this one still has classic springs at the back. It is in really nice condition for a thirty to forty year...
  3. GeePig

    Sheet metal for tanks and fenders.

    If you are looking at aluminium and this is your first attempt, then 1 mm should be easily adequate. Start off simply, like making those stubby short mudguards. Remember that you are going to have to re-anneal the metal from time to time, especially if you are making what is effectively a three...
  4. GeePig

    B plus K equals new life

    The front forks have started working properly, and I wonder whether anyone knows what that bolt on the 'bottom' of the forks does? Can you top up the oil inside them? Now the forks that fit the other frame look good, with just a minor oil leak mark on the stems. This is definitely the best...
  5. GeePig

    B plus K equals new life

    A neighbour of ours in the village has spent most of the winter sending us adverts for brand new bikes he was 'considering' buying, but somehow the amount of money involved in buying a new bike just seemed more like a dream. Finally, though, one of his relatives gave him a well used bike. Well...
  6. GeePig

    Anybody sniffing BO 19 in the air?

    I know that one, so I write down an outline or get the parts together, so even if the original idea gets forgotten you end up with something to work with. It is a bit like sending stuff out for someone else to work on, where you have to describe what needs to be done. I tend to work on things in...
  7. GeePig

    Matti Scores!!

    Well this was a surprise, I have not seen one of these since I was a kid, back in the 1970s, when my older brother had one for when we were making Airfix plastic models. :)
  8. GeePig

    zinc in a can?

    No - but you could be that man who we all look up to when you buy some, try it out and report back :)
  9. GeePig

    Frame builders questions

    I do not know what grade steel is used for building a bike, as I generally reuse the materials from other bikes. As to the size then that is easy - cut up a frame you do not need and measure everything For tools, I spend ages at the local shops thinking about what to buy. Some will be good...
  10. GeePig

    Anybody sniffing BO 19 in the air?

    Yes, just go for it. The trouble with not experimenting is that you fail to reach many interesting decisions that can affect much of your future work. When I work with digital images I have somehow devised a certain method of creating them. I just put together some test pieces, and then I...
  11. GeePig


    It is coing along well, an intersting meld of front forks and a great mudguard. I still like the large wheel out front, it reminds me of the early days of cycling, with the penny farthing... :)
  12. GeePig

    Anybody sniffing BO 19 in the air?

    I cannot start as I am still in the city and most of the bike stuff is in the village. Maybe next weekend.
  13. GeePig

    Ratrod bicycle trailer and soapbox

    Nice video, and you can see what happens if the wheel and axle angles are not sloped to meet at the wheel centre where it touches the ground - massive lift on the outer wheel, which will also have more load if you are going fast. If you had suspension then that would help conceal the difference...
  14. GeePig

    Got bored.

    It looks like it is coming together nicely, and having two handlebars is actually interesting even if the second is only used to mount ancilliary stuff. Would it be feasible to move the spokes on the front so that the the valve is half way between the spokes of in the midst of them?
  15. GeePig

    Anybody sniffing BO 19 in the air?

    I am thinking about using one of these: I am not sure which yet - the red Romet is at the cheap end of the market while the white Amsterdam is a decent mid-range frame. I have a ton of mowing to do and the front floor in the cottage to fix, but we will see how it goes.