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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. F

    New here,,

    Yes I did, viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15150 Lars
  2. F

    New here,,

    Hey! This site have a lot of topics, I`m not shure where its ok to post a thread. I have alredy post this trhead on Bike Galery but it’s a new built so here it`s again Regards Lars
  3. F

    My first bike!

    Hi Slacker I’m grown up with your all kind of stuff, but in a wrong country. When I was young, I always been in yours stuff over there. We are kind of late, but we learn,, Lars
  4. F

    My first bike!

    Hi I’m new here, great site! I just made my little intro to day, but here is a link to some picks of my first built. Love this site when I’m looking for inspirations. Lars
  5. F

    New guy from Sweden.

    Hi again Thanks for the welcome, here are some picks of my first built. It started with an empty frame I bought on E-bay; I just collected parts and put it together. I haven’t tested it on the road yet but this weekend I’m hoping its going be nice weather here in Sweden. I haven’t figured it out...
  6. F

    New guy from Sweden.

    Hi Just found this great site, I always loved the cruiser style bicycles. I have just nearly finished my first build, I will try to send some picks of it. Lars