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Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Well it's finished, and at the last minute.
Here is the build thread,

I started with this 1941 Huffman made Firestone.

Here is the final drawing.

My friend Randy was instrumental in the design and most of the fabrication.

We Decided to go for a "way over engineered" look and I think we achieved it.

We got the bike finished just in the nick of time and had to take photos in the last minutes.

Here are the finished photos of the bike, they were taken Aug. 3rd in the am. The bike was finished in time but the photos were bad. Thankfully I have been given grace here and have been allowed to offer better photos.
Here they are

1941 Huffman Stream-Flex, my answer to what a SuperStreamline Twin-Flex might have looked like.

I used an actual 1941 Caddilac hood ornament.

Something old, something new, something bold, nothing blue. A rare vintage MacCaulley chain guard covers a new chrome sprocket. and an idea how the Stream-Flex works, clearly it runs on cables and aluminum.

Here's the streamlined bit, originally we weren't going to go through all the extra work to make this, but I insisted and we were both impressed at how good it came out.

The front fork, while looking rather clunky actually works really well. I have never ridden a bike with such a smooth springer!

A shot from the front.

Thanks for looking and it has truly been an honor to build with you guys and gals! I'm hoping for the top 10 this year so I need all the votes I can get.
(Maybe we should have a junior class for those of us with less talent, this one almost killed me trying to keep up with you guys!)
I thought about calling it the Huffman Epilator but changed my mind at the last minute :lol:
37fleetwood said:
I thought about calling it the Huffman Epilator...

that's hilarious!

i'm still trying to wrap my brain around everything from the handlebars back, but that front suspension is entirely too cool! that's some bizarre and well executed engineering there.
the plan at this time is to take the Stream-Flex on the monthly Cyclone Coaster ride in Long Beach next week if anyone wants to see it in person and maybe take a ride.
just gotta say the end product is :shock: :shock: :shock: SHARP, no matter the voting, you've definitely got one of a kind there Scott !!! Hope your enjoying it :)
unlike so many of the heavily customized bikes I've seen, this one is light and agile as well as being smooth in many ways. it rides super plush, even over rocks and dirt. it's a very functional ride. I just hope no one crashes trying to watch all the moving parts :mrgreen:
:lol: yeah, i think if i rode it, i would be trying to stare at the moving parts while bouncing up and down a little. :lol:
So cool. Nice thinking outside the box. Is there any problem with chain slack when the rear flexes?
the chain is properly adjusted at ride height, when you get off it gets fairly slack. you can see it in some of the newer photos.
went on a 20 mile beach ride yesterday, everything worked well and I had no problems. with some adjustments this may become my favorite bike to ride. :mrgreen:
I think I may go back and see if I can't come up with something like a tank and maybe some fenders.
probably should have gone with these before the voting but ran out of time to try several options. I think these are a vast improvement over the flaming whitewalls.
That is a beautiful work of art man!!!!