Bonefish: The Beginnings

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Rattus All Terrainus
Jul 16, 2019
Reaction score
another time and place
I forgot to take pictures.

Hee hee hee. Ho ho ho
Le poisson, le poisson
Planning on keeping it simple this time. Rideability is key, my 6 year old might get this one eventually. The finish on the bike is pretty much immaculate, so at most, I'll be spraying a few parts and messing with stickers. Banana seat, a pair of unmatched Mongoose mags, apes, and if I can find/afford it, a springer fork. It's funny, I have the frame from the 'goose, it's probably better quality than the Fishbone, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
Here's what I have so far.

I wish both mags were the 5 spoke kind, but alas, the rear is different, a weird 12 spoke digital snowflake type thing. Here's the source

This will be simple, feel like I'm cheating because I am not really customizing or modifying any parts. However, I have a considerable obstacle to overcome: winter. It's already freaking cold in the shop. Also parts may present a problem, as used bike sales really slow down in the winter. And I kinda broke the budget, so the front end is subject to financial considerations.
Spent some time in the sun, cleaning up the mags, listening to the bike

I'm still not fully sold on the back wheel. Bonefish isn't convinced either. It floated the idea of a 3 speed. We'll see. I've got plans for a visit to my parts source. When I was there in the spring, he mentioned some muscle bike stuff, but I had the kids, couldn't really dig into his stash at the time.
I also scored a little bag down at the Value Village that might find it's way between the uprights of the sissy bar
like a little backpack for a bike! I've got some old patches, maybe I'll punk it up a bit
I'm not doing anything with paint. It's going to be a pig. Original blue finish on the frame, black on the mags. I might paint the fork flat black, depends on what I find. If I go skinny front, fat back, it could give me flexibility with the bars regarding the 2 of 3 rule. Those aren't the tires I will be using, that is the before picture. They're in the downstairs shop now, awaiting the real cleanup
Cool vid, Hamp! Don't know which was more extravagant, the chute, or the bell bottoms! That was definitely before my time, but it's funny how cyclical things are. The guy who won looks exactly like my homie from high school, probably twenty years later
GeePig is applying the pressure, I gotta get a plan. Or two.
Plan A: two side pull brakes from the trash can Mongoose if whatever fork I run can work it. If not;
Plan B: single v brake out back from the trash can Raleigh I found a few months back by the tweakers' lounge. This one was so bad I didn't even take pictures. It literally stunk up the garage. The parts I kept still stink.
I'd prefer the side pulls, the idea behind this build is a muscle bike I would have made if I had the funds and ability when I was a kid. Vees don't fit that vision
I've cleaned up the stuff in the basement shop, I'll be moving Bonefish in to the warmth shortly. Progress will happen.
Both brake option are improvements, both are alloy (at least I assume the 'goose brakes are, I haven't removed them yet). In stock, Bonefish has plate steel vees on the back and steel side pulls on the front. The mismatch really bothers me

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