Clipper.....? Looks like a columbia.

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Sep 12, 2011
Reaction score
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
Rating - 100%
6   0   0
No great story behind it. I saw it in some guys rafters and asked if he was selling it. "NO" He said he'd trade for a tandem. Took me about a month to come up with a mid 90's body glove tandem frame. Deal struck! Not sure what it is. Clipper but looks like a columbia style bike. Made in USA by the Westfield company. Orange and yellow paint obviously not original. Looks to have been painted a long time ago. Any one know how to remove without removing the original paint thats under?



This came from the same guy.

Both are very nice finds. 8)

To remove non-original paint, try some Easy Off oven cleaner....takes housepaint right off. If you need something stronger, use acetone sparingly.
deven_science said:
I'm not an expert, but the couple of Westfield badged bikes I've run across were both Columbia made. Saw a cool one today that a bike show.

Isn't it the other way around? The Columbia bikes you saw were Westfield made, or am I wrong? I'm not an expert either. :oops: Gary
B607 said:
deven_science said:
I'm not an expert, but the couple of Westfield badged bikes I've run across were both Columbia made. Saw a cool one today that a bike show.

Isn't it the other way around? The Columbia bikes you saw were Westfield made, or am I wrong? I'm not an expert either. :oops: Gary

Hmm. I saw a Westfield badged bike this weekend, and an old man that I know to be an expert thought it a Columbia, but a little research on Mr. Columbia's site ( shows you may be closer to the truth. At that time, Columbias were made by the Westfield Manufacturing Co.