Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
23   0   0
Just a few easy rules for this forum. Keep in mind that this forum is for all ages and some of our kiddos like the Rat Rod scene too.

* Watch your language...we're running a clean site here. Skip the creative spelling of bad language..i.e. using dashes, dollar signs, etc to try to get around the forum's word censor. If it is seen, it will be deleted from your post and you will be warned. This includes your avatar

* Keep the flames on the bikes and out of the forums. In other words, let's keep it light and try not to start arguments...this is supposed to be fun, it's about bicycles.

* Please flag (report) any post or thread that you feel needs attention instead of policing them yourselves. The moderators will be alerted and will handle the situations accordingly.

* Posting of adult oriented/disturbing photos, videos or avatars is prohibited and will get you the boot. No posting of pin-up girl photos, no matter how benign, just stick to bikes. This includes your avatar

* No posting of violent or drug/alcohol related (beer theme bikes ok) images will be tolerated.

* No posting of racist imagery or comments will be tolerated.

* Please refrain from posting links that lead people to other websites/forums unless specifically addressing questions on parts supply/build how to/informative videos relevant to bikes/etc.........
* URL links are automatically flagged by the system software and will be sent to moderation to decide if they are permissible or not. Staff reserves the right to amend and move as necessary

* Abusive comments or threats towards forum members or the site management will not be tolerated and will get you will be banned immediately without warning. If a member is seen to be a "troll" or someone here intentionally to start trouble, you will be treated the same as a spammer and your account will be banned. Stick to the topics! People that continually derail threads may be issued warnings and if it continues may have their privileges nuked
* No moderator bashing. These folks are not paid to be here and help run the site and deserve respect. Do not bash any work they perform or actions taken in the best interest of serving the community or you will be banned
* If you are found to have more than one account you may have all privileges revoked and face banishment

* No discussing the definition of the term "rat rod" or whether bikes meet certain us on this goes nowhere.

* ABSOLUTELY no politics or religion…….these get heated fast. RRB remains neutral on issues. Keep it light and focused on bikes or you will be banned

* Businesses should contact the site Administrator before posting products of any kind for sale on the site...we have advertising programs available.

* The Classified section has it's own set of rules. Please read those before conducting any business there.

Violate any of the rules above and you may receive one warning but this is discretionary and handled on a case by case basis
In some instances no warning will be issued and your behavior will stand as record for the punishment conveyed. Continue to break the rules should you receive any warnings and you will be banned from the site permanently.

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