Layout of voting thread.

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Apr 1, 2014
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Rating - 100%
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This got started in comments on

I thought I'd start a thread here, and comment. :soapbox:

Thanks man! I like it too. It's hard to choose just one pic that encapsulates the whole build though. Almost need to have 2 pics of each bike go to the voting booth.
I've advocated for a Before and After dual pic for the voting booth. Just so people can get an idea of the difference some of these builds go through. So far, no dice.
I've been thinking about something similar, OJ. Maybe a "Before and After" thread in the Discussion section. Something that lists each builders' starting and finishing point so we can see how far they took it. It'd have to be locked up so that no one could comment, with the amount of builds it would be a pretty big project to keep focused.
Usually, right after my 'final photo' at the top of my Finished Bike thread, I post a photo of how the bike looked when I started. It gives perspective, and then I follow with some interesting or unique process descriptions and photos to how I got to the Finish-ed line.

Could Steve set up a template for entries in the vote thread?
Set up with vote pic and a starting pic below and standard area for build inspiration and builder's comments?
Thanks HFer, felt bad about polluting the other thread. I think it's a great idea, but there are still details to work out. What happens regarding builds that had a frame swap? Just start where the new frame comes in, or 2 before pics, or just leave the choice to the builder?
I hadn't really thought about the before and after when I made the initial comment, but it is nice to see how far a bike came from the original. I was really just thinking that even the finished bike is hard to capture in just one pic. I like a shot that captures as many of the elements of the bike as possible, but that rear end shot is always a cool one too.
Are you guys talking about the actual Voting Booth thread? or the individual Finished Threads?

If you are talking about the Voting Booth thread, I don't feel it is practical to expand it to both a before and after thread. It is tough enough to put that page together as it is. Many builders already don't put their "Vote" pic at the top of their Finished thread, or they change their mind on which pic. Trying to consistently get 120 plus builders to also select and post a 2nd "before" pic probably isn't going to happen.

My vote is for the layout to remain the same.
  • Voting Poll with build names (so please make sure your build has a name)
  • Voting Gallery (in the same order as the Poll)
    • Photo (please put the photo you want in this gallery as the first pic in your Finished thread.
    • Build Name (with link to Finished thread so that voters can easily dive into the Finished thread and look at all of the pics that the builder wants them to see of their work, before pics, detail pics, progress pics, artsy pics, etc etc)
    • Builder's Name (with link so that voter can see more about the builder or contact them)
That is my two cents. Voters can easily access as many pics as the builder wants to use to show off what they built, simply by following the link to the Finished thread.

As someone who has created the Voting page in the past or assisted with organizing the proper list and pics, it is no small feat. I don't feel it is practical to have this person also have to track down Before pics.

I also feel that having both a Before and After pic would be cluttered and confusing to voters. It isn't consistent with voting galleries that people are accustomed to seeing in other voting scenarios in life.
I would like to see a Photo collage maker app, such as this.
photo composing app.jpg

Showing finished pic. Clicking the thumbnail leads to full size pic and links to build threads and a check box to vote for the build. This choice is then grayed out. After leaving the page you are directed to your ballot for final OK.
I wish I could. :whistle:
I know it's just difficult trying to keep track of all the entries. Maybe some keywords could define sub-categories and shown on different pages? IDK a "build off" dashboard or something like the photowall?

Sorry I'm just an "idea" man. :)
It's going to be tough to sort through all the bikes this year, it'd be good to have a summary... The builders get a 1000 word essay portion, judged on theme, grammar and spelling.
I usually win as a result of the swimsuit portion of the competition.

I agree...if it ain't broke don't break it. One thing I've always wished for though is that you could click on the pics to make your selections. Not sure how much of a pain that would be to do. Really appreciate anybody who takes the time to volunteer to take this on.
Chad T, I'm not sure "it ain't broke". And hey, we just got a completely new system installed here that we all have seemed to adapt to pretty well. So I think we could handle some tweeks to the judging arena just fine. I'm not going to push any ideas on anybody, but I think there are other ways to present the Voting Booth that would make it more 'all inclusive' and less cumbersome, like your method of selection rather than having to scroll up and down to match up the photo with the build name in the poll.

Maybe if the build had a link to the builder's Finished Thread in the poll or along with the Final Photo in the voting gallery? Make it real easy for a 'viewer / voter' to go right to that thread and view highlights, custom work, and more photos?
Maybe if the build had a link to the builder's Finished Thread in the poll or along with the Final Photo in the voting gallery? Make it real easy for a 'viewer / voter' to go right to that thread and view highlights, custom work, and more photos?

The Finished Build thread link and the Final Photo are all in the voting thread.
I agree...if it ain't broke don't break it. One thing I've always wished for though is that you could click on the pics to make your selections. Not sure how much of a pain that would be to do. Really appreciate anybody who takes the time to volunteer to take this on.

The current poll is a built in feature of the forum software. For anything other than that, it would probably require custom coding and web page design and probably would not be able to be displayed directly in the Forum itself.
I could use a volunteer to help setting up the build off voting threads again this year.

This is a job that takes someone who is good with details. You basically need to create an alphabetical list using the finished bike names and include the builder's username. You use that to create the voting poll as well as the list of photos below the poll. A link to their finished build thread is also needed.

Here's an example of how last year's looked...
If you think you can pull it off, I'll send the volunteer a couple of RRB T shirts and an RRB bike license plate of their choosing.


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