Rat Rod Blades Challenge 2021 - Build thread

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I’m afraid I’ll break it if I go any further so I’m stopping the knaping. I’ve never done this and this is my only piece of flint. It would be nice to make some notches for the rawhide laces but that would be pushing beyond my comfort level. It’s kinda spooky trying just to remove a chip, you have to smack it pretty good and it flakes off where I wasn’t planning. So, the blade is done.View attachment 150888
Well, our southern type weather came to an end on Wednesday. We had a blizzard with single digit temperatures. It’s double digits below zero now and it’s going to stay that way for a few days. At least the winds have abated so today I’m burning paper, bones and blown down tree limbs from the snow weight helping the wind prune my trees In my fire pit. I will be able and catch up on laundry, assemble a high chair for the grand kid, move furniture and keep the wood stove packed. Brrrr. So, I have to put the knife off until it gets warmer.
Goodwill Hunting Knife
Day 5 update. Not a lot of time for knife making today. But I did get my chintzy portable drill to charge enough to put two holes in my handle for the pins.

Bought some brass rod, 5/32 dia , for my pins on the handle. Went through one drill bit in the first hole, had a better one in stock that managed the second hole just fine. Should be enough left in it to drill the wood scales tomorrow.


So you veterans of the blade building ilk, which epoxy do I need to buy for my handle assembly tomorrow?

BlaDe oN!
Goodwill Hunting Knife
Day 5 update. Not a lot of time for knife making today. But I did get my chintzy portable drill to charge enough to put two holes in my handle for the pins.

Bought some brass rod, 5/32 dia , for my pins on the handle. Went through one drill bit in the first hole, had a better one in stock that managed the second hole just fine. Should be enough left in it to drill the wood scales tomorrow.
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View attachment 150934

So you veterans of the blade building ilk, which epoxy do I need to buy for my handle assembly tomorrow?

BlaDe oN!

Any 2 part will technically work. I'd go for a clear so less clean up. Personally I like the Stewart MacDonald stuff but have used just about everything
Well, our southern type weather came to an end on Wednesday. We had a blizzard with single digit temperatures. It’s double digits below zero now and it’s going to stay that way for a few days. At least the winds have abated so today I’m burning paper, bones and blown down tree limbs from the snow weight helping the wind prune my trees In my fire pit. I will be able and catch up on laundry, assemble a high chair for the grand kid, move furniture and keep the wood stove packed. Brrrr. So, I have to put the knife off until it gets warmer.
It’s warming up. It’s only -8F. It’s going to get to +8 today. Still no work on the knife, the shop is too cold. Notice the lack of snow. No real cold yet, no -20s.
Lol @us56456712 that sounds like Canadian math: less than half a foot of snow equals no snow
If it wasn’t for our Wednesday blizzard we would have had only two inches of packed slippery stuff on the ground. I was in Calumet Mi on Wednesday and they got 20 inches. That was fun, we went for a drive sightseeing. Couldn’t see much because of the white out. Driving back Saturday was the same, icy, snow covered road and blowing snow with occasional white out, typical winter driving.
Goodwill Hunting Knife
Early Day 6 update. Drilled the wood scales, cut the brass pins and fit scales to handle. I bought some Gorilla Clear Epoxy at Walgreens on our morning walk.

Mixed up the epoxy in the blister pack, spread on scales, pounded the pins through, and clamped in the vise. Says drying time is 30 mins, but I want the epoxy hard before I go to the belt sander for shaping.

This little vise is really handy. I've used it regularly the past few days on the knife build.

What once were vises, are now habits.


BlaDe oN~!
It’s warming up. It’s only -8F. It’s going to get to +8 today. Still no work on the knife, the shop is too cold. Notice the lack of snow. No real cold yet, no -20s.View attachment 150947
-15F right now. Too cold to work on the knife. In 10 days it’s supposed to get warmer.
@OddJob I'm surprised with you're being involved in instrument repair that you didn't pull the Stew Mac epoxy out of your stash. I hope the Gorilla pox works for you, it's not my first choice. It seems to be a neat little chopper. How does the thinness of the sawblade feel? I saw a few vids of cats using sawblades but it seems like it's be too thin for me. I'm looking for a really wide and big file to do a chopper that's wider at the end than near the handle. I haven't found the name of that type of knife yet...

Hey @GuitarlCarl , thanks for checking in. The epoxy seemed to hold well, I'm not at my home shop currently, so no access to the usual supplies.
The saw blade is thin, and I've shaved off a little of it on the belt sander getting it shiny and sharp. I haven't chopped anything with it yet, just finished up the handle so now it will be more functional. Anxious to try it out though.
I would think a file or thicker material would be better for a chopper for sure. This knife is really lightweight, so it won't have much inertia in the chopping motion.
@OddJob I'm surprised with you're being involved in instrument repair that you didn't pull the Stew Mac epoxy out of your stash. I hope the Gorilla pox works for you, it's not my first choice. It seems to be a neat little chopper. How does the thinness of the sawblade feel? I saw a few vids of cats using sawblades but it seems like it's be too thin for me. I'm looking for a really wide and big file to do a chopper that's wider at the end than near the handle. I haven't found the name of that type of knife yet...

Something like an Usuba?
I’m afraid I’ll break it if I go any further so I’m stopping the knaping. I’ve never done this and this is my only piece of flint. It would be nice to make some notches for the rawhide laces but that would be pushing beyond my comfort level. It’s kinda spooky trying just to remove a chip, you have to smack it pretty good and it flakes off where I wasn’t planning. So, the blade is done.View attachment 150888
i just found out my knife is illegal in Michigan. You can’t have a knife where the top and bottom are cutting edges, including a flint knife. Oh jeez, I like illegal when the law is asinine.
Goodwill Hunting Knife
Day 6 update, or maybe it's day 7, oh well.
Got the handle shaped to it's final dimensions with first 150 grit and a sanding sponge, and then 240 fine grit.

Had an idea for a leather wrap where the blade meets the handle, just to add another texture to the knife. Clipped off the tail ends of my wife's purse straps; it was her idea.

Tomorrow I will add some oil to the wood. Also thinking about a patina to the blade, living up to my proclivity for leaving things a bit rustic and 'unfinished'.


BlaDe oN~!

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