A new client reached out and wanted his very rare 1971 Huffy Rail Twin Stick Mag Wheel freshened up, take care of some issues, and add some goodies.
Huffy only built this bike for 1 year, and for many collectors this is a Hoky Grail bike. Much rarer than a Schwinn Krate. Not as popular by the masses, but genuinely appreciated by those who understand.
It looks good in this pic, but the biggest issue you can’t see. A boy that owned it years ago didn’t know how to lift it over curbs, or at least slow down, so both the front and rear rims are bent flat.
I’m unboxing it… so here we go.
This wheel gets me excited!
Huffy only built this bike for 1 year, and for many collectors this is a Hoky Grail bike. Much rarer than a Schwinn Krate. Not as popular by the masses, but genuinely appreciated by those who understand.

It looks good in this pic, but the biggest issue you can’t see. A boy that owned it years ago didn’t know how to lift it over curbs, or at least slow down, so both the front and rear rims are bent flat.

I’m unboxing it… so here we go.

This wheel gets me excited!