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    • DesmoDog
      So... in one of my recent "clean ups" I discovered I have some model kits I didn't even remember I had. The ones that come to mind are...
    • DesmoDog
      DesmoDog replied to the thread Foam density.
      I have no idea what the bikes used, but you can buy different thicknesses of foam in smallish sheets from motorcycle shops or Amazon -...
    • DesmoDog
      DesmoDog replied to the thread Reuse old spokes?.
      Most people don't have access to the tools needed to properly rethread a shortened spoke - the threads aren't cut with a die, they are...
    • DesmoDog
      DesmoDog replied to the thread ~?What Else Do You Collect ?~.
      I have a bunch of diecast cars, including Matchbox and Hot Wheels, but most of my Hot Wheels (and a lot of other childhood "treasures")...
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