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  1. Chad T

    Chip Foose Bicycle Enjoyer

    Probably a repost but interesting if you havent seen it.
  2. Chad T

    Tips n Trix

    There are cheaper ones out ther but those are super sweet! :inlove...
  3. Chad T

    Chad T-rike

    Still super fun to ride. Switched to some Schwalbe tires as the vee Speedsters got a lot of punctures from weld slag when I was using it for work.
  4. Chad T

    Chad T-rike

    Cleaned this up yesterday. Was really filthy from the factory I had it in. Hadn’t touched it since leaving that job 3 yrs ago.
  5. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

    I would just drill from the outside of the fork,
  6. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

    No the other way. Socket head allen with a head OD that matches as closely as possible the ID of the slot. Head is on the inside. Drill and tap fork and thread bolt all the way throuigh then you can cut/grind anything that sticks out on the outside. You'll want to make it straighter than my...
  7. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

    The head of the allen bolt would fit (hopefully snugly) inside the slot of the tab on the drum. It wouldn't be clamped just the head inside the slot would prevent rotation. The head of the allen sticking out would just act like a plain pin. Kind of like your slot idea but without cutting the...
  8. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

    Don't think I'd cut that thin slotted tab. Would loose a lot of strength. One way would be to drill/tap the for for an allen bolt with a head that fits snugly into the slotted tab on the brake? Then you could just file the other end off flush. I think those brakes are normally mounted with the...
  9. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

    Did you have any air in the tube? If not you can pull it out and put just a bit of air in the tube that should push the stem through. Can't imagine that rim was made to use an extension.
  10. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

  11. Chad T

    Savage B.O.B.

    Looks like a rim braking surface. Odd for a 16 inch wheel but maybe the same extrusion from different diameter wheels? Looking like another great build.
  12. Chad T

    Midnight Flash

    Not enough Oooos and Aaaahs to describe how cool this is. Should get lots of attention at the car shows for sure. Amazing!
  13. Chad T

    Midnight Flash

    But I like the idea of spacing the rear cog. Just add the same amount to non drive side and widen your drop spacing.
  14. Chad T

    Midnight Flash

    Have used bmx spider with chainring spacers to get chain line for 9-10-11 speed sting rays.
  15. Chad T

    1971 Huffy Twin Stick Mag Wheel

    Looking good CRASH! Another awesome one in the books.