Recent content by ifitsfreeitsforme

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  1. ifitsfreeitsforme

    RRB member ifitsfreeitsforme could use some prayers and support

    ❤️ RRB This may be my last post. This community is the best. You were a big part my life. ride safe, IIFIFM
  2. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    prion disease. Rapid advancing. ☹️
  3. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    Hard to type. Prob not long for this world. Grateful for 60 years. Grateful for you guys. Prob last posts. Thanks.
  4. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    Little busy in the wheel shop.
  5. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Unfinished business ( New years resolution)

    I hope you finish this; it looks great.
  6. ifitsfreeitsforme


    lots of juicy options there. I'm looking forward to what you go with. Maybe a small graphic somewhere hinting at his wild mustache?
  7. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    And put some Real Riders on a 94 cent Walmart diecast. Beats watching TV.
  8. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    Finished the 1970 championship 510 SSS tribute. Some detail painting and a wheel swap.
  9. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    There it is. I’ll see if I can do something like that.
  10. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Shaft Drive Klunker bike

    looking great, and I'm enjoying following it.
  11. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Klunker build. Finished pg3!

    Bravo! This is fantastic.
  12. ifitsfreeitsforme

    Rat / Rod Model Kit Bash Challenge 2023

    @MattiThundrrr Oh! good ideas. I'm kinda Gulfed-out as of late, but the Rothmans, that's great. I'll see if I can find some Rothmans slide off decals. (light bulb) ... isn't there a guy who builds patina-ish Porsches? He has a huge collection. Maybe he's an artist? oh oh oh, oh!!, or I...