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  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to Pondo's post in the thread MBBO BAD INFLUENCE! with Love Love.
    I got to work on the Dragster a bit today. Final assembly is fun, you get to see it all coming together. Rear fender sat too high in...
  • OddJob
    OddJob replied to the thread STBO Ms. Higgins.
    'She's' coming together!
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to idiotboy's post in the thread STBO Ms. Higgins with Like Like.
    Wheels are done time to undent some fenders a few minutes with the dolly and a shot of white paintdig through the hardware box and get a...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to idiotboy's post in the thread STBO Ms. Higgins with Like Like.
    Tonight I got the crank installed and the front hub greased and assembled, now to true the front wheel
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to GuitarlCarl's post in the thread STBO Hot Date with Like Like.
    Ten days and counting. Got the turn buckles and I've got a new tube. Thinking I may just tac weld that gear on, but I will try to tap...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to GuitarlCarl's post in the thread STBO Hot Date with Like Like.
    Bad pictures cuz my garage is so cuttered but...punch list is a lot shorter now. Punch list: Idler for the drive, 2 turn buckles to...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to idiotboy's post in the thread STBO Ms. Higgins with Like Like.
    Tomorrow turned into next month but I got the rear wheel assembled I scrubbed the frame with steel wool and WD40 now I can start putting...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to Tintmanpa's post in the thread STBO BBC with Like Like.
    Started assembly. Every thing is going good so far. I had to clean out some heavy paint around the crank bearing races.
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to Pondo's post in the thread MBBO BAD INFLUENCE! with Like Like.
    Disaster averted. Third time thru I found it in the box… with all the other parts for this build. I swear I’d loose my head if it wasn’t...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to Tintmanpa's post in the thread STBO BBC with Like Like.
    Got some color on her. Still need to spray the chain guard and front wheel.
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to metalchewy's post in the thread STBO Luck Be A Lady with Like Like.
    Cured, but ot fully cured yet. A little soft if I squeeze it Fits the peaked fender well. Will need to wait until tomorrow before...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to GTHOtrod's post in the thread STBO Mixte bag with Like Like.
    Ditched the mtb forks and fitted up a bmx set. Looks cooler, suits the colour theme
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to GTHOtrod's post in the thread STBO Mixte bag with Like Like.
    Got the frame cleaned up today, and applied a coat of blo. Looking nice out in the sun. Found a better location for the shifter also...
  • OddJob
    OddJob reacted to rickpaulos's post in the thread STBO A Ladies RoadMaster with Like Like.
    build thread https://ratrodbikes.com/threads/a-ladies-rosemaster.120317/
  • OddJob
    OddJob replied to the thread MBBO 3C Patrol.
    Solid build, my friend! I like everything about it. 👌