Recent content by pvwacko

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  1. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Here's the latest update: With most of the bike off to powdercoat I got to work finishing up the frame starting with capping the tubes. Also added cable guides to the frame as well. Lots of sanding and bodywork to get everything nice and smooth. Spray glued some foam on the banana...
  2. pvwacko

    WBO 2018 - VOTE HERE!!!

    Very flattered by all the support! Thank you to everyone for making me feel right at home after my years away from the forum. Thanks also to @kingfish254 for encouraging me to join in the fun! The King Krate is torn down for paint and powdercoat so keep your eyes on the build thread to see it...
  3. pvwacko

    King Krate

    I told you I wasn't done but I'd keep updating the thread so here's what I'm up to: Stripped down the bike to do finish work to everything and prepare for powdercoat and paint. Cable guides brazed onto the fork. Capping the ends of the tubes. One piece kickstand rather than the...
  4. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Build thread if I copied that right... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. pvwacko

    King Krate

    The buildoff is ending a month before my OBC goal and spring break vacation isn't going to allow me time to paint and powder coat. That hasn't stopped me from riding this thing around town. It gets plenty of attention. Thanks for the support everyone! Sent from my...
  6. pvwacko

    King Krate

    I'm posting up the bike in the finished discussion. I'll update here when I finish the paint and polish though. Thanks for watching and cheering me on everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. pvwacko

    King Krate

    It's going to be gold to keep with the King theme. Won't or painted before the build off ends but will be in a month. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Understand where you're coming from on the pedal steps. Everything I build I build to ride so I made a few changes for durability and strength. It's not a perfect copy but it is fun as hell to ride and the step is in the perfect location. Fortunately, it's a standard BB so if anyone wanted to...
  9. pvwacko

    King Krate

    I haven't tried that yet... so far it hasn't been difficult for me to reach the lever. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Today's shop time while the kids were at school was dedicated to making the chainguard. Here's the blank shape with my profile lines laid out. Started by making myself a form for the step in the chainguard face. Here's how it sits with the top piece giving me an edge to line up with my...
  11. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Thanks James! It was really fun to build and the kids like it too so that's a plus. Here's a loaded test ride video. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Went out for a little Friday night fun with the St Paddys day crowds. Barely fits in the truck. Need to watch the overhead clearances too! Laid out the chainguard with 1.5" extra to fold over for the edge. Cutting the 36er rear fender down to the right size. Experimenting with fender...
  13. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Today was more little things but the list is getting shorter! Started off with cable routing for the shifter. Wanted to run a bare cable like the old 3 speeds. I used cable guides instead of a pulley. Slotted the plastic cap for the cable to come through. Keeping all the bits for my stem...
  14. pvwacko

    King Krate

    Busy day today! Finished the cycletruck. I spent the day working on the shifter. Started out with a stock looking mounting bracket. That all mounted up as planned. Next up was the actual lever. Laid it out on 1/4" aluminum. That pvc end cap will be important... Slotted and mounted...
  15. pvwacko

    King Krate

    I've been a little distracted this week but that should end tomorrow when I get the cargo basket mounted on the mini cycletruck (16"/12") I'm making for my kids... The King Krate needed some chainline solutions so I cut up my very tired 2-1/4" BB hole saw and a 32t cassette cog. Double...