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  1. Uncle Shish

    FOUND Schwinn Straight Bar Tank in paintable condition is fine

    Looking for a 50s Straight Bar tank in paintable condition, or in black & creme. Not going on anything super special, just an ugly bike that I kinda love.
  2. Uncle Shish

    41 Bullnose Colson future project

    Yes! I read through that thread front to back. I can't believe someone tried to convince him to drill holes in the tank! What? IF, a BIG IF, I ever even find that tank I expect it to be north of $500.
  3. Uncle Shish

    41 Bullnose Colson future project

    Hey, I sure appreciate your build-off galleries. I went through BO8 - BO17 galleries today to see how many time a Bullnose had been entered and also to get some inspiration for this years build.
  4. Uncle Shish

    41 Bullnose Colson future project

    That would be awesome if you stumbled upon one. Swap meet season is coming soon here in the Midwest. I have a Commander tank that I may use, at least temporarily, until the proverbial needle in the haystack reveals itself.
  5. Uncle Shish

    41 Bullnose Colson future project

    Thanks - I'm just hoping it comes apart without too much fuss. When you view it from the underside I almost get the impression it may have been yard art.
  6. Uncle Shish

    41 Bullnose Colson future project

    Me and a buddy drove down to Akron (5.5 hours each way) to pick this up the day after Christmas. Of course it's missing the big ticket item. It shows a pretty good deal of pitting but other than the missing tank, the destroyed pedals, incorrect seat and stem, it's pretty much all there. The OEM...
  7. Uncle Shish

    Uncle Shish Build-Off Bikes & More!

    Iron & Oxygen Schwinn 1940 DX Build-Off 19, 2024, 6th Place Odd Job Award Winner Finished Bike Thread:
  8. Uncle Shish

    RRB BO 19 OddJob Award Winners here!

    Hard to tell from my photo but mine got bent too. I like the term Post-Tina ... Good one kingfish!
  9. Uncle Shish

    RRB BO 19 OddJob Award Winners here!

    Thanks Lee. Honored to be noticed for my work among such an esteemed group of builders. Congratulations to all the other OJ Award winners and really, to everyone who saw their project through to the end.
  10. Uncle Shish

    TRADITIONAL Iron & Oxygen

    Thanks! I've managed to put over 25 miles on it already.
  11. Uncle Shish

    TRADITIONAL Errand Boy

    I love the graphics from this time period and this one is no exception. The 2 different tones of blu-ish green from the bike and the wheels give this an ocean breezy kind of cruiser feel.
  12. Uncle Shish

    TRADITIONAL Yard Art Revival

    Nothin beats ridin a big gal with a shockmaster!