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Mar 28, 2023
Reaction score
Hogtown FL
I came across this Maserati that I forgot I had. The steel has a nice "ring" to it but it may be just another Italian sweatshop frame. I also had a pair of Ritchey tires that have a cool cyclocross vibe to them. I would like to build a 3sp Urban Assault bike since I haven't had a skinny wheeled bike in years. One thing I am really concerned about is the bottom bracket threading. I looked at Sheldon Brown's web site and didn't find anything regarding thread specs. Does anyone have any ideas about the BB?



(Sorry about the foot pic @MattiThundrrr , it hit 60F today....)
One thing I am really concerned about is the bottom bracket threading. I looked at Sheldon Brown's web site and didn't find anything regarding thread specs. Does anyone have any ideas about the BB?
I was just on the Park Tool page earlier looking at the specs on my French bottom bracket. The Italian specs are there too:

"The Italian Standard uses a threading of 36 mm x 24 threads per inch. Both sides of the bottom bracket are right hand threaded. Parts in the Italian standard are usually marked as such. Not all Italian-made bikes use Italian Standard threading. Frames in this standard can be distinguished by a 35 mm inside diameter."

Just saw a new sealed Italian BB at Velo Orange, $30. Don't know if this will help, but it's out there anyways:

Or you could use one of these repair BBs. These are supposed to fit most BB shells and don't use the threads.

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I was just on the Park Tool page earlier looking at the specs on my French bottom bracket. The Italian specs are there too:

"The Italian Standard uses a threading of 36 mm x 24 threads per inch. Both sides of the bottom bracket are right hand threaded. Parts in the Italian standard are usually marked as such. Not all Italian-made bikes use Italian Standard threading. Frames in this standard can be distinguished by a 35 mm inside diameter."

Just saw a new sealed Italian BB at Velo Orange, $30. Don't know if this will help, but it's out there anyways:

Or you could use one of these repair BBs. These are supposed to fit most BB shells and don't use the threads.
View attachment 286439

Wow, thanx, Pondo! I would not have thought to look at the Park tool catalog! I have been calling around to several LBS for either of theses BBs and the responses have been laughter or dead silence...:crazy2:

So, the above info gives me some options depending on the lead time I'll need to receive parts. If this doesn't work, I have a few of the standard BBs and I should be able to come up with a different frame......
I called all of the LBS and the responses were either total silence or snickering (Gainesville no longer has a pro road bike shop in town).
Continued to look around and found this beauty on FB marketplace for $15. Its an interesting bike - cdi decals. OLD Campy F&R derailleurs, shifters & bits and bobs. Its all pretty beat but I needed the BB cups.

I called all of the LBS and the responses were either total silence or snickering (Gainesville no longer has a pro road bike shop in town).
Continued to look around and found this beauty on FB marketplace for $15. Its an interesting bike - cdi decals. OLD Campy F&R derailleurs, shifters & bits and bobs. Its all pretty beat but I needed the BB cups.

View attachment 287168
Those lugs look great! Is it also a 'Maserati'?

The fork is only partially dipped into the chrome bath :grin:

Looking forward to your work on this!
"Veni, vedi, Ho sbattuto"

Great. I love it!

sooooo...........I decided to "rattle" on the frame a little bit. Before preparing it for paint, I wanted to remove the fine coat of rust that was on the surface. I've never done an oxalic acid bath before so a quick search here at RRB provided plenty of info. I tried to make a small tub using 2x4s and 4x4s but it wasn't holding well enough. (forgot pics to show how not to do it). After using a kiddie pool and some Savogran;s Wood Bleach, it cleaned up nicely.

One thing I was extremely concerned about was the head badge. It is the only/main item that makes this frame a Maserati. Using blue painters tape I covered the HB, but when removing the tape, a significant amount of the paint went with it. :( Now I'm not sure if I'll be able to reproduce it .
"Live and Learn" :headbang:

Great. I love it!

sooooo...........I decided to "rattle" on the frame a little bit. Before preparing it for paint, I wanted to remove the fine coat of rust that was on the surface. I've never done an oxalic acid bath before so a quick search here at RRB provided plenty of info. I tried to make a small tub using 2x4s and 4x4s but it wasn't holding well enough. (forgot pics to show how not to do it). After using a kiddie pool and some Savogran;s Wood Bleach, it cleaned up nicely.

One thing I was extremely concerned about was the head badge. It is the only/main item that makes this frame a Maserati. Using blue painters tape I covered the HB, but when removing the tape, a significant amount of the paint went with it. :( Now I'm not sure if I'll be able to reproduce it .
"Live and Learn" :headbang:

View attachment 288254
That badge looks fairly detailed. A real steady handed sign painter might be able to fill in the voids.
Polish that badge. That could be pretty cool too.

That badge looks fairly detailed. A real steady handed sign painter might be able to fill in the voids.

Thanx for the suggestions! What I may do is see if there is a company that can create a vinyl or water release decal to put back on it 🙏.....right now I need to get busy.....I want to see some progress.........:bigboss:
Well...after almost 3 weeks absent, the Dr. gave me the green lite yesterday to start moving around again. I started stripping the frame and hope to get it in primer tomorrow. Not that it matters for this obscure brand but the SN is 00651. Maserati probably started with SN 600 😂

View attachment 289397
Limited edition special. :cool:

Glad you are good to go. 👍
Stripped the frame to spotless. Probably the best I've ever done on a bike frame (since I forgot the pics 🤷‍♂️).
Hit it with primer and then some of the aqua/turquoise color. I was hoping for something a little greener although I am starting to like it....not too late to change. Opinions?
View attachment 290178

View attachment 290179
I think it's a nice color. I say roll with it!

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