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Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Eindhoven, Holland.

Well, here it is...
It's an Australian Avant Mix that I found in my parents shed before they got time to send it off to the scrapyard... It was finished a little while back (in the meantime I build another bike ;-) but it was because I was undecisive about some finishing touches. Especially a new paintjob. As you can see it hasn't got one. After I took these pics it came to me that I absolutely LOVE this (very) aged color. And the rust makes up my excuse for calling it a rat. That aged paint is setting off the aluminum very nicely.

The Billet Bullet is my debut-build over here at RatRodBikesDotCom. I must say I didn't had a clue were I was heading to. I called it 'Billet Bullet' because I had some experience with aluminum fabrication and wanted to use it because most of the parts that were allready on the bike were made out of aluminum. Just for fun and ofcourse being a bit rebellious because I know that 'billet' is a big no-no in our so-called Kustom-Kulture. And although I'm definately a big fan of traditional hotrods and customs, I don't like being restricted by any rules that blocks creativity. With that in mind I tried to come up with unconventional designs suited for aluminum as I got along, and still be categorized as 'traditional hotrod'. I hope you see influences of Ed Roth's 'Mysterion', custom Briz bumpers, 40's artdeco/streamline design, etc...

Overall this build was a smooth one. But ofcourse there were some hic-ups and some ideas that just didn't work. Heck, I even had to fabricate some things a second time. Even a third... But it was all worth it. I got some well appreciated coments and thumbs-ups from you guys. Very inspirational.

Enjoy! I hope you like it...



















And just for some ratrod-fun: My handmade oversized aluminum clothespin:



For detail, construction, and actionpics please check my build-thread and click on 'My Mixte (RRBBO4)' below.

And now comes the hardest part of this build-off: Voting for the one bike I like best... There are just soooo many nice builds. Each with its own unique characteristics. Some of em are beautiful, some are radical, some are classic, and some just make you smile. And then there are the ones that have it all. There are a lot of those... Well done everybody!

Cheers, good luck to all, and don't forget:


; - )
Best use of lighting and awesome aluminum work. Love the "Jetson" rings.
The details on this bicycle are awesome! the more I look, the more I find! Very cool!
Over the Top! So many details!
Thanks guys! I love getting comments and compliments. Cool to see there are quite a bunch of you that like my bike and the things I did to it. I agree it IS kind of an oddball and I tried my best to make it look cool in a style that would fit the bike best, imho. The part that it rides like a dream I got for free :)

And your right about the photography. My bike certainly benefits from that. I just think it's really important to be able to show off all of the hard work that's been done in the best way possible. I got really lucky with the weather. It set's off the aluminum so well. And the flashbulp decided it was on my side this time, for a change... ;-)

And the presentation... Well, that's kinda my territory. I'm a fineartist/illustrator/graphic designer by trade so I feel that I HAVE to make an effort on that. But I didn't over do it, right? Besides, I see a lot of you guys putting some thought into your photographs. That really is a good thing :)

A lot of great bikes have been completed. Much diversity. I can't make up my mind yet... But there are still quite a few to be expected this week...
Looking forward to that.
Great looking bike and a nice save. Extra credit for using a frame that others might not consider. Also not just a 'show' bike either but quite ridable. Great job!
Those fenders really fit that bike, visible and clean if you look straight at them, but almost invisible when you look at the whole bike. You've really done a good and precise job with all your fabrication! Hat off and bow! I like it! :)

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