This bike is a very big bike and you should be 6" tall to ride it. The bike is 81" long and rides and shifts as it should. I would like $1000 plus the ride. I will be putting on ebay tomorrow for $1500
New price before ebay.
Rack with light, Frame, or fenders with ornament - $100 each
Chainguard - $50
Crank - $40
All with a free ride or buy them all for $350
This cabinet is in old dirty and a little bit of rust. I think it would clean up good. The graphics are in pretty good condition with no major scratches. The cabinet does not have any dents and the handles should be an easy fix. I would like to get $235 shipped.
Complete crank with sprocket - $50
Fenders with rocket - $125
Frame - $125
Forks - $125
Rack with taillight - $125
Tank with horn - $125
Seat - $20
Chainguard - $50
Headlight - $125
I am keeping the pedals and grips and hubcaps. Prices include a free ride. Thanks, Kirk
Thanks it has been a crazy summer. Me and my wife have had are health problems both getting worse. We are not going to be moving south. I will get some other stuff to sell up on here. Thanks again, Kirk
This bike rides as new and is real nice. The seat has been changed, along with the pedals. The Radio works great and the hub caps look great too. The grips have red glass in them. There is a nice jet on the front fender. The lights and horn have not been tested but I'm sure they work. There is...