Holy Carp indeed. You Sir, are a winner! Gonna add a little Higgins to this Schwinn. This is my vintage J.C. Higgins fiberglass rod with nickel plated Shakespeare reel and a pistol grip. Once again I am a sucker for bakelite.
Now if I just had somewhere to keep my catch.....
Still debating on placement of the horn button but I have to admit I have been holding out on you guys a little bit. I have another double secret bit of inspiration that I plan to incorporate into the build. It will be the last thing I put on the bike but I have a few other things to build...
I managed to snag a horn button but I haven't seen it in person yet. Not sure how its going to size up but it's white and bakelite so I took a chance. Probably going to have to make it work regardless as I am running out of time.
I believe this is a 46. I pulled it from a neighbors flower bed, threw a seat on it and put air in the tires. Other than that it is "as found". It worked great as a loaner for some of our club rides. $200 PU in WI or $250 shipped to the lower 48.
This electric horn photographs better than it looks in person, it's pretty heavily pitted. I wired it up on this end but am waiting to find a button for it.
I don't know how I missed this build! Wish I had seen it sooner, I might have helped you out with ID'ing your Shelby. I've got a Shelby Flying Cloud motorbike with the badge still on it.
Needed somewhere to hide the batteries so just decided to use your standard tank. Not a perfect fit and its seen better days, but that's the whole idea.
It wasn't so much that I didn't want to drill holes in the tank, I just had a gap to fill.
You are absolutely right which is why I am not doing the parts while on the bike. I let them completely dry so that the brown rust doesn't wipe off and then hit with a shot of clear. For this bike it really doesn't matter as much cause I there is so much rust already.
I gutted the inside entirely but decided to go old school and set up a regular old bulb. No hint that I messed with it when its off and you look through the glass. I'm going to have to access those batteries more often but you can't have it all.
It was my third attempt at finding the look I was going for. I started with a black cord from an iron but I didn't like the color. Found a second one that was brown but I couldn't figure out how to get the old school phone cord curl. In the end I found the easiest thing to do is find a NOS...