It'd be a Luke first, no one has a Luke mural on a bike yet... Not even Luke...
It's like Luke went banksy
Edit... Combo of autocorrect and being dyslexic dysgraphic leads to interesting typos sorry.
For $25 bux I'd do it... Forks bent... But I don't think it's a liner
The tank and tail look older as dose the frame build itself.
I'll buy $25 in parts off it, tank and rear tray..
So one of my recent bikes is this lovely reddish painted red bike. The chain ring was on for at least one paint job so maybe helpful.. this one has some frame repair at the bottom bracket but for now not getting done.
H311992 if that helps

2 3/16" center on badge holes vertical center...
Sorry, I meant fenders guards ETS on a vessel desirable frame to cut a motor on.. that way you get benefits if both an older looking ride but also don't need cut up a salvageable bike;)
Yes I've used alot, most auto and limo interior, especially audio builds are wood based.. and weigh a fair deal.. have you ever tried pull a speaker grill of an older good grade speaker, always was sure I'd break the frame before they would budge.
They are depth adjustable witch is really handy...
If fender straps can come off take em off for shipping.. they like snagging and tangling if no axel caps, a ball of masking tape on the axle ends can't hurt at all..
Good on you for sharing a deal with the community, and congrats to the new owner... Enjoy it a great deal :)
That's awsome good see members play like good sports!!!
A quote from Arlen Ness... Build them how you want I ride them... Was a response to how mutch is too mutch to invest...
in this case was a client asking about his wife's plastic surgery habit... But still valid point.