Looks awesome! Love the BoardTrack style. Just switched to a different handlebar on mine... got a long cruise to do today. Hoping that it's aggressive and comfortable at the same time
Ok.. the 10+ year old niterider minewt mini retrofit wasn't bright enough for my needs. Fit a new Cree xml led in the reflector housing along with soldering in a new 18650 battery. Very happy with the results.
As long as you're still out there!! My last crash a few years ago broke my shoulder, a few ribs, and my back in two places... still can't and won't give it up...
Reviving an awesome old thread... growler/howler holder from a leather belt.
http://s38.photobucket.com/user/catalystmb8/media/Mobile Uploads/image_zpsnpvwiwja.jpeg.html][/URL]