This bike could easily turn motorised since the BB ate it. I have a few solutions, but there is now a distinct possibility that since I had to use a bit of body English to get the BB installed, cranks could be replaced by pegs and this will be 100% motorised. We will see. These machines have...
This is going to make me sound like a cork-sniffing snob, but I haven’t worked on bikes of this calibre since the early days of me wrenching. We tended to take stuff like this in trade, if for no other reason, just to get them on something nicer. It seems that caged ball bearings have gotten...
You’re right, and since this bike is, for all intents and purposes, a Walmart beauty, the threads aren’t that crisp. If worse comes to it, it will become a drag racer with a motor. I won’t need a functioning BB when I have a motor on it.
One man’s cream crackers is another man’s bounty! Glad it didn’t go to the tip...
I used to get into trouble for saying “gurt” as my mum said it didn’t sound ‘proper’. Greetings from a Bristolian ex-pat!!!
I do believe it is designed to be heavily thinned with mineral spirits. It is acrylic paint with a heavy pigment load, but made to be thinned heavily for a smooth line. This will go perfectly with my linseed oil/patina aesthetic. The colour is one of my favourites!
I just took the plunge and bought striping paint, a 0 brush and mineral spirits. I know I am supposed to clean the brush AND thin the paint with it. I have masking paint thin enough to mask with; what else do I need?
These bikes have SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! You can get a Fat Boy fork that works with that extra fat wheel! It isn’t an interruption! That bike has heaps of potential!!!!
Simple elegance is my motto. I went over the top for the simple reason that I like the super-stretched look! If I had a mill, I probably would’ve made my own with two inches more stretch. Part of me still wants to see if the tubes on the new fork could be bent about 10 degrees, which would help...
Thank you! (Forgot to accept and thank you for the compliment)
The one critical error I made was removing the kick stand mount. Had I not removed it, it could’ve been easier to make mine motorised! Though making mine into a real drag racer could be cool.
Let me know when you start yours! I...