plans are to keep it original. not to many original paint frames out there. so Im looking for original parts that include the chain guard and seat. if i find those i can just put it back together. :)
This bike came out of a West Virginia barn. The bike was being sold by a 93 year old widow who's husbands dad originally owner it hope you guys enjoy the pictures.
those aren't replacement fenders please don't throw them out they are correct and RARE as a value maybe 550-700? not to sure on their value as of right now its been awhile since one sold.
sweet score!
if possible could you get close up pictures of the seat and the 2 speed.
If I had to say prices without seeing the pictures I would guess 200 for the seat 150 for the 2 speed and maybe another 200 in the rest of the parts.
I'm not sure what the date of the bike is but it has a lot of deluxe (but wrong for the year) parts on it. Seems someone put a lot of teens parts on it.
cool find.