oh sorry, didn't mean this thread to sound like a for sale thread(is not) on the wrong section. Was just showing pics of some cruisers that's all :mrgreen:
Here's some 24" cruiser I've found over the years, time to get rid of them all.
1986 24" GT Cruiser
24" Titan.
24" 1986 Robinson.
24" 1982 Mongoose two four.
24" 1983 GT Cruiser.
24" 1995 Auburn Cruiser.
3 more I got no pics of :).
Sometimes it is affordable, I found one just like the one above at a flea market in Mexico for $80 bucks, guy that had it said he was asking $80 because it was a
very light "aluminum" frame :mrgreen:
Rich guy that bought it to commute to his work and worked from home now, he was tired of looking at it in his garage and just wanted to get rid of it.
That was my first question to him :mrgreen: