Bike Ebonics!.......f/s /trade/bo mtb 9sp 26r fully call eight hundred five 5 5 five one 2 one least you can figure out how to reach the the seller of whatever is for sale
I'm not a Bmx'r but sure there are parts to use if I can't get it to operating condition. It's a fixie setup with fattie tires. Probably a giveaway bike to a local kid if they want it. Some kids now days have bikes worth more than my car!:21:
:banana::banana:Hear ye, hear ye......the time is coming real soon for our NERRB ride at Hampton Beach.....tomorrow morning at 10 am. Dress warm, kiddos and put on your lip balm/moisturizers to keep your skin soft and supple from windburn and googles to keep the sand from sandblasting your...