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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. Joshua85

    Jet Bike

    stumbled upon this today, thought i'd share it with you guys :P ... -commutes/
  2. Joshua85

    My Ordinary bicycle (NOW, video on page 3!)

    Re: My Ordinary bicycle WOW! i havnt seen something that amazing in awhile! you really have some skills there
  3. Joshua85

    My 1st stab at a B.T., in 1 weekend, progress

    Awesome job with using what you got, I love my dremel tool its like the swiss army knife of tools :D i never tried cutting through a headtube with one tho, haha, now you just gotta paint and you're done :P
  4. Joshua85

    So, theres this girl...

    pffft i'd trade the harley for the panther! :D its gorgeous i love that green best of luck with the girl :wink: :wink: :wink:
  5. Joshua85

    Retro fixie

    that is looking beautiful, awesome work as usual i will be keeping my eye on this! :D one day i will have a fixie they just look so nice clean and simple
  6. Joshua85

    The Steinie

    Re: The Steinie -finished...just not in time for the vote- I was out of town for a couple weeks, i come back and the contest was over :P oh well i wasn't in to compete, i was just here to play with the rest of you. well i'm calling it done, it needs to be repainted because while it was in...
  7. Joshua85

    To All You Fixies

    this also goes all to everyone else, but mainly to fixies just because they sometimes don't have brakes. Please be safe, a friend of mine rides a fixed gear bike and got hit by a car the other night, the car drove off and left her in the road with 8 broken teeth and a jaw cracked in 3...
  8. Joshua85

    Mini machine

    W :shock: W that is so awesome! when do we get to see you right it :P
  9. Joshua85

    who said the economy was bad?

    :shock: :shock: alright this is inspiring me to sell some cruisers on ebay!
  10. Joshua85

    Spaceliners-AngelWing and DevilWing (AngelWing updated 10/9)

    Re: a couple more Spaceliners... i saw these and it inspired me to take mine out for a ride :D i love em, hey if you need a spaceliner chaingaurd i took mine off and im not using it.
  11. Joshua85

    Rag and Bone (new pictures)almost done.

    words cannot describe how happy this bike makes me. This thing belongs in an art museum :D
  12. Joshua85

    The Steinie

    just ordered the last of the parts i think, this beast will be done hopefully by the deadline :P
  13. Joshua85


    try ebay?
  14. Joshua85


    now that is an awesome chaingaurd!
  15. Joshua85

    Diesel "Rat Bike" Motorcycles in the UK

    this is my personal fave.
  16. Joshua85

    old bicycle video

    :lol: :lol: haha just dont let him see the part with the loop that falls apart :P
  17. Joshua85

    rachaels stingray

    oh man that is awesome, you've got a beauty there! i'm officially jealous
  18. Joshua85

    The winner gets this trophy

    that is a beauty!
  19. Joshua85

    old bicycle video here is a neat video filmed by Edison of cyclist doing bike tricks in 1899....oldschool :p
  20. Joshua85

    I know this is a bike forum

    Its a 1972 regular beetle. I need the drivers side vent window