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  1. Joshua85

    knuckle scraper

    i like what you did with that springer!
  2. Joshua85

    Anybody play videogames on xbox 360? Ie-Bioshock

    hahahahaha, i do too :P tom nook is an evil raccoon
  3. Joshua85

    Favorite movies?

    October I love city of lost children, it was the first foreign movie i saw as a child....pretty creepy stuff. have you seen the movie "Perfume"? its done by the guy who did Run Lola Run, its pretty bizarre
  4. Joshua85

    Greetings from Hungary

    glad to have you aboard! the more international people we get on this forum give me more of a reason to visit at 3am :P
  5. Joshua85

    Did anyone see this?

    40 tooth skiptooth!? wow that is a beast!
  6. Joshua85

    my girls bike build

    that is pretty wild looking! i will definately be checking back up on this one!
  7. Joshua85

    Elgin Motorbike

    that bike is coming along great, is has a military feel with that olive paint. where'd you get the awesome seatpost?
  8. Joshua85


    man Steve, it sickens me how well you clean up bikes :P they really do shine when your done with them
  9. Joshua85

    Favorite movies?

    this should just be a jerk tribute thread when i first saw that movie as a kid i wanted to be mini train conductor :p
  10. Joshua85

    Favorite movies?

    the jerk is an all time favorite! "all i need is this box of matches.....this box of matches and this lamp..."
  11. Joshua85

    Anybody play videogames on xbox 360? Ie-Bioshock

    my system is pretty awesome, but its nowhere near that level of awesomeness
  12. Joshua85

    Favorite movies?

    awww cmon just pick one
  13. Joshua85

    Favorite movies?

    I'm pretty bored so i figured i'd start a thread for everyone to post their favorite movies im gonna go old school and say Metropolis ... re=related keep in mind its a silent film
  14. Joshua85

    Bjork meets Charles Barkley

    "i brought my wheel" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Joshua85

    Anybody play videogames on xbox 360? Ie-Bioshock

    Bioshock really is one of the best games ever, such a great story, and the music is top notch! i really hope a sequal does it justice. i dont have a 360 i play it on my computer, I play call of duty on my computer too, Call of Duty 4 is ridiculously addictive :P
  16. Joshua85

    25Th Anniversery Present to Ourselves

    wheres the bike rack?
  17. Joshua85

    bike theft - kid gets whats comin

    haha, it took a couple of times to grasp what happened but it was pretty silly, honestly people like that are evil and that guy deserved so much more than what he got
  18. Joshua85

    Dirt Rats

    those look downright menacing!
  19. Joshua85

    Ratty racer project

    that pea shooter you got there...that is a thing of beauty, how does she ride? I like where your going with this bike, I'm sure you will amaze me with the final product :P
  20. Joshua85

    mysterious bike

    haha, no worries thats why she has two :P