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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. BScubed

    Hawthorn Tank Bike

    Just got this from a friend. Been wanting to make a klunker and am thinking of using the frame. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't worth beaucoup bucks before I do that. I'm muscle bike guy so I don't really know the tank stuff. I'm guessing it's pretty run of the mill tank bike but I dunno. Any...
  2. BScubed

    Trexlertown swap weekend

    I'm surprised it hasn't been posted over here yet. Stealing Joe's post from the Cabe. 32nd Annual Fall Trexlertown Bicycle Swap Meet We have teamed up with the Velo Drome to make the weekend better than ever. Event: 3 Day Bicycle Swap Meet, Trexlertown Fire Department Fairgrounds located...
  3. BScubed

    Boston Mass ride maybe?

    for commuters... the Alewife T stop on the red line is just off the highway, has a parking garage, and is right next to the minuteman trail
  4. BScubed

    New York Bike Jumble - Brooklyn

    Good to hear! Thanks for the info!!
  5. BScubed

    New York Bike Jumble - Brooklyn

    I am selling some custom muscle bikes and random parts at this event in Park Slope Brooklyn NYC. Figure I might be able to flip em to some big city folk :giggle::giggle::giggle: My buddy is also sharing a table with me and trying to sell his Fat Chance and assorted stuff. Never heard of this...
  6. BScubed

    16th Annual Canadian Vintage Bicycle Show in Brantford Ontario - June 25th

    Wish I could go. Would love to find a chain guard for my marauder!
  7. BScubed

    Show Your Muscle Bikes

    Those double white band trelleborgs really knock that playbike outta the park!
  8. BScubed

    Picked up a few Muscle Bike parts recently!

    Sorry to hear about the robbery but my brain is still looking at that cache and going "hamana-hamana-hamana" If that is the definition of "a few parts" than I might be a few parts short of complete bike figuratively speaking of course. :bigsmile:
  9. BScubed

    Huffy "The Wheel" help needed

    @CRASH Yeah, I figured a black knob from a 333 shifter would be close enough and easier to find than the correct one. And yes a smaller seat on it right now. About to put the cheap new Taiwanese one back on. This bike still needs plenty to be correct but I am much happier now that I got the...
  10. BScubed

    Huffy "The Wheel" help needed

    Coming along... Got the double red band tires and correct front wheel a few months ago. Also got the correct drag brake lever sans the knob. Fenders, sissy, and seat are still incorrect. Would love to find a black 333 shifter knob, correct fenders, etc...
  11. BScubed

    Dudley bike swap bicycle meet show Sunday March 12 2017

    Not to jinx it but last year the weather was perfect!
  12. BScubed

    Rollfast Muscle Project

    Awesome bike! In the 1973 catalog they have insanely rad billboard tires!
  13. BScubed

    Sting-ray windshield repops?

    Has anybody ever repoped the sting-ray windshields? Of course, I want one for my Fastback but don't feel like paying $300+. Does anybody here have one they could make a tracing of on paper for me? I could probably figure out how to fab one from plexi pretty easy.
  14. BScubed

    Huffy "The Wheel" help needed

    Thanks for the info folks! I will reach out to him.
  15. BScubed

    Huffy "The Wheel" help needed

    Working on getting this bike somewhat back to original. Stalling out on finding the right parts of course. What I really would love to find is: front wheel, front and back fenders, parking break stick (with brake cable housing would be AMAZING!!!), Double red band slick (I know, I know, I...
  16. BScubed

    Show Your Muscle Bikes

    A month late but I finally finished up my MMBO. 1965 Columbia Playboy. Before: After: The unfinished rear tirel vs the finished front tire before: after: a pile of cleaned chrome
  17. BScubed

    Ross bike looks like an apollo but not

    Neat oddball! Almost looks like they were trying to go for a Murray eliminator F series look
  18. BScubed

    (MBBO#05 Class 1) 1965 Columbia Playboy 88

    Sorry I am dragging on this rebuild guys. Getting the ol gentrification boot out of my current commercial space and having to move my sign shop and bike stuff into a new studio. Should be getting to this towards the end of the month. In the meantime here is a page from a Columbia flyer I got at...
  19. BScubed

    (MBBO#05 Class 1) 1965 Columbia Playboy 88

    I found this on craigslist about a year ago and been keeping it in my basement until had the time. Looks like the time is now! Looks good from a distance but up close is another story. But it looks like it should clean up good. Rust isn't tooooo bad. I wiped a small area of the...
  20. BScubed

    (MBBO#05 Class 2) GET SMART!

    For a city bike that is a really cool frame. The ones here in Boston look especially stupid. Kinda reminds me of the rollfast/hawthorne muscle frames