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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. tsudhonimh

    Early Mother's day... '54 Schwinn hornet

    So I put up the last post as cover for this... I know it didn't turn out rattish but I have been promising the wife a purple bike and I finally got it done after almost 9 months of collecting stuff: found this in an alley off of central. can't believe that someone was throwing this out. chick...
  2. tsudhonimh

    My first Rat...

    so I thought I'd start out with one of my first donor/dumpster bikes. this was one that Dad saved out and wanted me to fix for him. I'm notorious about not documenting my steps to construction. most of the time I'm too excited seeing it come together to stop and photograph. originally I greased...
  3. tsudhonimh

    Lurking in Tampa Bay...

    checking even... all but my spelling it seems...
  4. tsudhonimh

    Lurking in Tampa Bay...

    Hey. Been chacking the site out for a while. thought I'd say hi. I am working on a set of biles for the fam and wanted to post pics when I'm done so look for 'em soon. I have a collection so it may take a while. great stuff here.