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  1. K

    One BIG Bike!

    Am I the only one that wants to ride it?
  2. K

    Hawthorne and Higgins

    Colorflows in that condition fetch a few big bills. The Hawthore screams for some class. Solid finds.
  3. K

    What Operating System Are you? Post a Pic of computer Space

    Re: What Operating System Are you? I'll just shelve that one as a poor attempt at humor. I run Giraffe, or whatever it is, OSX on my laptop. And XP on my desktop for "work." XP makes my skin crawl. Vista makes it run away. I've used DOS, 3.0, 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP, Vista, Linux, OS8...
  4. K


    I've biked around Boston, Colorado Springs, San Fransisco, Denver, and suburbs of them all. I have never had a problem with where my bike was locked. Traffic signs, parking meters, fences, telephone poles, trees, railings, and lightposts. If it is secure and my lock fits around it, it's game on...
  5. K

    Totally Tubular

    First time that happened to me, I was standing next to my bike. I dove for bushes.
  6. K

    61' Raleigh Dynohub

    Hold on a minute while I pull myself off the floor. Holy turdscicles that came out nice.
  7. K

    prewar Columbia stencils - how to preserve paint?

    That is quite possibly the sexiest frame I have ever seen. :shock:
  8. K

    Monark Silver King Tandem

    Somebody missed the "silver" part of silver king. And the forks. And the headtube. And the whole rear section of the frame. Cool, yes. Silver king, no.
  9. K

    The Danger of SOS Pads...

    I've heard the "bits of steel in the chrome" thing to be a myth. I've never had problems with funky re-rusting, and I keep my bikes outside. I use 000 steel wool with a shot of WD-40 to keep things lubed, and work at the corrosion at the same time. There are other methods of rust removal...
  10. K

    Lookin for More Speed

    Good ideas mastershake. I was assuming that Normbilt was spinning the cranks as fast as he could, and he still wasn't going fast enough. With taller gearing all the resistance from low tires, dirty/dry/tight/loose bearings, becomes more of an issue too.
  11. K

    BK Project Bike: Ace of Clubs

    I like how the bike cleaned up, and how shiny everything got. But one thing, your forks are bent.
  12. K

    Lookin for More Speed

    I think the numbers refer to how many teeth are on the front/rear sprokets respectively. If you want more speed go smaller in the rear and/or bigger in the front. At some point the gearing will become too tall and it'll become impractical to ride. Finding the balance point for you bike and how...
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    San Francisco

    I can't remember exactly where, but there is a cafe with a sliverking hanging from the rafters. I want to say it is between USF and the panhandle if you want to go on an expedition.
  14. K

    Rusty Frames

    Light surface rust is just that.
  15. K

    wet sanding,,,

    I have sanded the base color, and left other colors alone for this reason. Last time I asked how to avoid cutting through the top color(s), the response I got was "carefully."
  16. K

    stripped thread

    I volunteer at a bike co-op at my school. The number of sorta kinda stripped threads is astounding. Thanks Larry for giving me a tool to fix them with.
  17. K

    Mead Ranger

    I would have needed a fresh pair of underpants.
  18. K

    How to dismantle a springer fork?

    Is there a nut or cotter pin above or below the spring?
  19. K

    How to dismantle a springer fork?

    Do you know how to remove a fork (springer or otherwise)?
  20. K

    Pitbull playing with a kitty

    My brothers 110 lbs shepard used to play with my 10 lbs grey tiger. The shepard always lost.