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  1. HutchXL24

    HUFFY and a PUCH

    The PUCH is VERY cool.
  2. HutchXL24

    This mornings MONGOOSE / RED LINE find!!

    Yeah, you did real good for $60, no doubt.
  3. HutchXL24


    Sorry, pics tomorrow. :P
  4. HutchXL24


    I was doing my every other day morning walk and found a black and red Foremost w/ light parked in someone's trash. The thing looks pretty amazing for being 40+ years old. The tires are flat and light doesn't work, but that's all that's wrong. I'll post pics later.
  5. HutchXL24

    This mornings MONGOOSE / RED LINE find!!

    If so, RatRod could use it for his Kos.
  6. HutchXL24

    This mornings MONGOOSE / RED LINE find!!

    Great quality find. The only thing I would dump is the seat. A fresh powder or nickel of the frame and fork and some new decals and you're set.
  7. HutchXL24

    1986 Diamondback Viper - *FINISHED PICS*

    Re: 1986 Diamondback Viper Oxalic acid... I'll dig up a link for ya.
  8. HutchXL24

    spammer alert

    I clicked it. It just took me to my RR Bikes inbox.
  9. HutchXL24

    Oh Sooo Odd Cook Bros Find

    It's helping that it's a euro bb pro frame. I'm hunting for one of those repop decal sets that he's selling w/ that bike, but so far, no luck
  10. HutchXL24

    specialised rockhopper

    That's a pretty rad bike.
  11. HutchXL24


    Re: SOMETHING'S COMING (AND NOW IT'S HERE) Joe, I might be intersted. PM me a price. -Jeffrey
  12. HutchXL24


    Re: SOMETHING'S COMING (AND NOW IT'S HERE) Yowza! I'm gonna guess that guy won't ship.
  13. HutchXL24

    tange cruiser forks

    Those are really nice. They're also kind of rare. Most Tange 26" forks came in chrome.
  14. HutchXL24

    Good day for yardsales

    Yeah, I own one too. Found it in an alley, minus wheels.
  15. HutchXL24

    Oh Sooo Odd Cook Bros Find

    Thanks for posting the link. He'll never get that much for it. The frame, fork, and stem are worth about half that, if he find the right buyer. The rest is nickle and dime stuff.
  16. HutchXL24

    I just purged

    I did a major purge when I was 25. I mean, I sold or junked everything. I then went to Florida for 2 weeks and came back to an empty apartment. It was pure freedom. Fast forward to today. I have way too much crap and never enough time to sell or restore. Ahhh, to be free of stuff... Good on...
  17. HutchXL24

    Rat Rod Drag Races ??

    Knee pads, shin guards, elbow pads, shoulder pads, and a helmet for me. If you've ever slipped a pedal doing sprints, you'll know why.
  18. HutchXL24


    Nope. Just the CBR frame and fork. Some days you just get lucky. Yesterday was one of those days. I'll try to clean er up by this weekend and post pics.
  19. HutchXL24

    Oh Sooo Odd Cook Bros Find

    Like he would have told me. :lol: I always check bikes I buy for owner markings that might help it get back home. I've looked the bike over for serial numbers, names, and phone numbers and there is nothing other than the factory serial #.
  20. HutchXL24

    Oh Sooo Odd Cook Bros Find

    Let's just say you never know when you're going to pass a homeless dude on a premium 80s BMX bike. :) I'll post some pics tomorrow when there is light. Also want to send a shout out to all responsible for the cruise today. I had a great time.