Chat chat,blah blah blah.
Oh,anyway I think we have 3 J people and myself good for an afternoon of fun.
Bowling starts round 2 at alley in Webster,MA. Anything else ?...Stevil
The auction is hi end,chk website catalog.
The swap has pricey stuff but has the
usual affordable treasures. This is if
you can get a Friday off !...Stevil
Ebay has a Macargi stretch Fatbike frame for sale @ $169. Turns out to be the frame for an electric
bike priced @ $2500 ! Sorry no pics but somebody check this out to see if we can swap Dolomite
parts on to a Way Cooler frame. No doubt a heavier,longer,more cumbersome bike then we'd like,but...
:blackeye: Sorry,I'm a slow eater.And I seriously thought that was a breakfast bar,I was craving EGGS. Maybe it was Gene rubbing on me. And NO you can't have my Pinto
cheap ! And not too far a drive for :whew:me...Stevil
A few pics from this long awaited Boston Ride.
Many Photo ops, the Middle East dance hall, my injury from a speeding cyclist, Fenway place, Porter Square Hotel,and the crew. Great time all.
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Some people will need to check in the hotel after 2. Please provide secondary meeting place for,say 3:30. Or PM me. It's gonna be Wickedpissah ![emoji12]
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