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  1. Stevil

    Bicycle Mikes Dudley Swap- Feb. 21st

    Oh ,and I will be wearing the heavy coat and long johns cause that room is cold.
  2. Stevil

    Bicycle Mikes Dudley Swap- Feb. 21st

    I need at least the left side of a 1951 Western Flyer Special tank if not a whole. The rusty the better! And also a rusty functional rear wheel for same .Skiptooth is correct but whatever is good. I will bring this rideable rust bucket to swap. ...Stevil
  3. Stevil

    NERRB Dan's Solo Cape Cod Canal Ride Bourne, MA

    Oh heck yea ,I'm in,calendar is clear! And a Ratty New Year to the lot of ya! ...Stevil
  4. Stevil

    Do bent springers suck?

    The look of these springers is awesome, slow n low is a different ride,it would not be my everyday bike.Scrapin pedals is a cool trick,sparks at night,can't beat it. Kinda like pedaling a wheel barrel but on a smooth rail trail thru CT,the Best...Stevil
  5. Stevil

    NERRB Summer of 2015 Events Thread!

    Hmm,a Dec car show and no snow, could of been pics from summer cruise,just sayin :rofl:
  6. Stevil

    NERRB Summer of 2015 Events Thread!

    Ah Joel, I can't verify your story,no car show listed online but I believe you. Too bad . Jose ,you know I enjoy your friendship but I was hoping the crew would show for this ride. It's a 2 hr drive for me. So this morn I'm out but let's check back tonite....S PS update: I just finish a gas tank...
  7. Stevil

    How many bikes do you own?

    A dozen from a slow n low pedal scraper to a 2 tier tall bike,from a litewheight Trek cruiser to a heavy Dolomite Fatbike No duplicates...Stevil
  8. Stevil

    NERRB Summer of 2015 Events Thread!

    Well I prepped a 20"er 5 spd for Boston, the Dana 3 spd not shifting well, or maybe I'll take down the 3 spd Dyno Roadster for a first run. Long haul on a rack though. ...S
  9. Stevil

    NERRB Summer of 2015 Events Thread!

    This ride sounds a lot better then raking leafs or shopping at the mall. And def should not sit at home with great weather. I'm IN ! Now which bike?...Stevil
  10. Stevil

    Burrito/Stretch bikes.

    Still very cool,always attention getters. Great for slow n low cruzin ...Stevil
  11. Stevil

    Would like some opinions

    Laid back seat post puts seat too low unless you like position.Looks like you need to stretch for handlebars. This is a 29" frame,right? So banana seat will always look small. I have a gx-7 frame in alum,looking to use for Fatbike ...Stevil
  12. Stevil

    (CLASS 1) Huffy Longshot

    Oh yea,that Top Fuel fork is the best. I had 1 years back growing up and awesome for popping wheelies! Sweet! Nice build with all the bells and whistles. ...Stevil
  13. Stevil

    Not a bike....

    Why do you need a manual for a bike? How technical is it? And ,hey,we missed you at Dudley! There were bikes with your name all over them. ...Stevil
  14. Stevil

    Dyno Roadster

    Oh yea,that's the way to go,scrapped! Keep the coaster brake and you won't need the kickstand, I had to squeeze the spring tight to prevent function so I could ride it but it's sweet.Later get a 2 or 3 speed hub in there and your cruzin...Stevil
  15. Stevil

    Dudley mass. Fall Swap 11/1

    Who wants a DANA 3 speed trans crank still in original package? I got it and you can buy for a price,wow...Stevil
  16. Stevil

    Dudley mass. Fall Swap 11/1

    Oh ZL,you got my back and within 2 hrs you found that shot. Nice work! Thanks. Yes that's the bike I speak of . Make an offer...Stevil
  17. Stevil

    Dudley mass. Fall Swap 11/1

    Anyone want aTall Bike ? Different build a little safer and 5 speed. I rode 25 mile run. with this bike.Helps to look over fences.. .Stevil
  18. Stevil

    Quoting Yourself: Stuff you said while building a bike.

    Oh yea ,look at that ,it went right in there,oh yea! Perfect! Agh!...Stevil
  19. Stevil

    NERRB Boston Nightlife Weekend Ride Sat/Sun October 24th/25th

    Jerri, I can't wait to show you my gray primer 60's muscle bike 5 speed with a kickstand,oh man! Will do chowda ,tank a wickedpissah. Watch the Mets in the World Series at Lansdowne Pub, And leave skid marks in Market Sguare,later...
  20. Stevil

    NERRB Boston Nightlife Weekend Ride Sat/Sun October 24th/25th

    Why do you ask? Your plans change? Still plenty of time for last minute decisions but not for room reservations. Always vacant rooms on the outskirts of town. I'm holding the date and my breath...Stevil