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  1. jwm

    So Cal Rat Rod Ride rats out ciclavia 10/7

    Hey folks! I just checked out the Oct 7 Ciclavia route. They have changed it from what it was on the last three. See link: I had been thinking of starting at the Mariachi Plaza hub like before, but the Chinatown hub is right where we went for Tour de Fat-...
  2. jwm

    Questions that should be asked before buying a used bike

    The Phat is a beautiful bike. And it's new enough that you won't have to worry about most of the tips you got here. We were all thinking of what we do with a vintage find (30-40 year old garage sale or Craigslist bike) Do check the wheels, but chances are you can just buy that thing and start...
  3. jwm

    Questions that should be asked before buying a used bike

    The gooseneck check is a great point. I never thought of that myself. So is flipping the bike over to see if water drips out. What I check out: 1) Are the wheels in good shape? (Don't worry about the tires) Check to see that they're centered in the fork, and frame. Spin them. Are they straight...
  4. jwm

    Looking for info on this Monark Firestone cruiser

    I think the springer is OK. Here's a link to a similar bike on the CABE (you may have to scroll down): ... ght=monark Definitely a re-paint, although it looks like a professional job. As far as the price- your call. $800. is a little steep, but I'm sure...
  5. jwm

    8 spd nexsus issues

    The trouble could come from one of four sources: the shifter, the cable, the cassette , or the hub itself. My guess is that both you and your LBS mechanic have eliminated a binding or sticking cable. I found out on mine that the shifter MUST be fastened to an absolutely straight section of...
  6. jwm

    Tour de Fat Los Angeles tomorrow 9/15

    It was more like Tour de Fry. We showed up for the opening and the parade, but the heat was so bad we were just getting sick and dizzy. Had to just give it up. Oh, well- there will be other events. JWM
  7. jwm

    Tour de Fat Los Angeles tomorrow 9/15

    So who will brave the heat? So Cal Rat Rod Ride will be there. We'll be hanging out about 9:00 am by Nick's Cafe before the event. John M
  8. jwm

    the rules of rat rod biking

    When taking your hands off the handlebars, common courtesy dictates that you shout (*shout*) "LOOK MA- NO HANDS!" JWM
  9. jwm

    A So Cal Rat Rod Ride Review (pic heavy)

    Note to the Crew- If Henry Morgan can make it out to So Cal, we'll hide the flip flops, and buy him a burger. JWM
  10. jwm

    A So Cal Rat Rod Ride Review (pic heavy)

    COOL! Look forward to seeing you again. Wherever the SCRRR goes, you're one of the founding riders. John M
  11. jwm

    A So Cal Rat Rod Ride Review (pic heavy)

    There's something wrong with Max's camera. All the pics of me look like some scrawny ol' fart. :roll: JWM
  12. jwm

    Yeah, um, thanks, but no thanks.

    The you tube comments are as funny as the fliz is lame. That's saying a lot. JWM
  13. jwm

    Sept 8 So Cal Rat Rod Ride

    Review and pics from Saturday's ride here (in the Bike Talk section): viewtopic.php?f=1&t=62644 Thanks to all for coming out for the cruise! See y'all next month John M
  14. jwm

    A So Cal Rat Rod Ride Review (pic heavy)

    Highway 39 was once one of the iconic streets in the Southland. It connects Whittier Boulevard, of cruising fame, to Pacific Coast Highway- the true Mother Road of California. When I was a kid growing up in La Habra Beach Boulevard was 26 miles of magic because it was the road to Huntington...
  15. jwm

    How important is wet sanding?

    Be careful with Rustoleum. It used to be super easy to work with and very forgiving. Not any more (thanks EPA). If you spray over it too soon all your paint will crinkle up. A couple years ago I was trying to paint a wheel set with it, and the stuff wouldn't set up at all. I waited two weeks...
  16. jwm

    Yeah, um, thanks, but no thanks.

    Best laugh of the thread award! JWM
  17. jwm

    Sept 8 So Cal Rat Rod Ride

    Put Huntington Beach in google maps, and click to 1"=1mi. You'll see that it's about two miles from the starting point at Brookhurst and Atlanta to the beach path at Santa Ana River Jetties. From there it's another three miles or so to either Huntington or Newport pier. We go a little past the...
  18. jwm

    Bike Snobs

    First- That is one wicked cool build. Second- ignore the fool. He's wrong. JWM
  19. jwm

    What would you pay?

    It looks like a 24". Nice condition, though. It'd be an OK bike for a short lady, but not much of a rider for most adults. I'd pass. JWM
  20. jwm

    Sept 8 So Cal Rat Rod Ride

    Actually this is post is nothing more than a shameless BUMP John M