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  1. old school 64

    Hello from SoCal! <3

    Welcome !! Cool start...Volks looks cool too...enjoy !! :D
  2. old school 64

    "Bare Bones" LaJolla...

    Man that is sweet !! Been looking for one of these for a while now...must be getting pretty popular..found one at Denio's this weekend..beat to death..coated in funk..scratched all over..dude wanted $85 ???
  3. old school 64

    new custom chain guard decals

    Man those are awesome !! Think you need to share your graphics guy !! :D
  4. old school 64

    $25 STINGRAY

    Oh can't ever stop at just one !!! :D
  5. old school 64

    $25 STINGRAY

    Man..that is awesome..nothing like that out here for $25 !! :(
  6. old school 64

    what does everyone do for work?

    Shop foreman with a heavy haul trailer manufacturer..working 60 hours a week...and i have been in Texas in August..never have sweated that much in my entire life...
  7. old school 64

    Phat Finds...

    The choppers are awesome...but that Fastback is making me drool...had a 70 for like 27 years..gave it to my son..a year later he sold it... :(
  8. old school 64

    Tandem greetings from Bakersfield, CA

    Welcome from Manteca...That tandem is sweeeeeeeeeeeet !!! Oh...i bet your stable grows alright..these things are addictive !!! :D
  9. old school 64


    Welcome back ! :D
  10. old school 64

    huge event coming nor cal 2012

    Dude...sounds familiar to would gladly knock one back with ya !!
  11. old school 64


    Re: Hello from the IE in SoCal Thanks Dude !! Really digging yours too..Dig anything with the skulls !! :D
  12. old school 64


    Mark, never met you personally, but have lived each and every one of your pains right now..i lost my dad 5 years ago..just remember all the good times..know that he is still with over you..guiding you..make him proud..i went through 2 gets better..much better..i know it...
  13. old school 64


    Re: Hello from the IE in SoCal Wow..very nice job !! Welcome from NorCal...Enjoy !! :D
  14. old school 64

    Hello. I am new

    Welcome from Manteca !!! We love pics !! :D
  15. old school 64

    A good saturday find or what

    Too Cool !! I picked up a Red Flexible Flyer by Variflex a while back at a local fleamarket..sweet rider !! :D
  16. old school 64

    A good saturday find or what

    I have a soft spot for old skateboards..whats the history on the green one behind Chucky ??
  17. old school 64

    Rolling Relics Ride - Stockton, CA 1/29

    Niiiiiiiiiiiiice about parking ?? I am shining up LowLIfe for it..... :D
  18. old school 64

    Rolling Relics Ride - Stockton, CA 1/29

    Port City is the shop off El Dorado ?
  19. old school 64

    Who is going to to the Turlock swap meet- Jan 28-29 2012

    Ok i am excited .. tell me more about this Relics ride..Port city is the one on El Dorado ????
  20. old school 64

    2 Old Girls

    Snow you say ?? Hmm...was like 63 degrees here in Cali today..have to drive a couple hours to see this "snow" stuff...sorry...just had to.. :D