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  1. skoda

    SNOW is coming. Prepare for your final days!

    SNOW (the deadliest substance known to man) :roll: is approaching Kansas City, wait, it's here, on top of all the other snow we have had on the ground since xmas eve. According to the news, who I trust beyond anything, certain death is close behind. The snow will bury us all alive, then it...
  2. skoda

    DIY BIKE REPAIR STAND - VERY GOOD This guy's article on making a home bike repair stand has been making the rounds. I built one over break (even though I got a Park PCS-12 for xmas) I figured two or three stands/workstations are never a bad thing. All of the new...
  3. skoda

    I bet this guy is mad?

    That's way too much for a 50's tank. Some of the prewar straighbars don't even get a third of that. Is in nice shape, but I doubt that would push it that high....
  4. skoda


    Re: 2010 FELT REVOLVER --- (RATIFIED) All I have to say is 'bleghhhhh...' ALL gross. That frame design and all of the other "modern" cruiser frames are awkward looking. They can keep 'em. I'll keep my money for vintage parts and new tools. In ten years, I'll buy 'em at garage sales and...
  5. skoda

    Post Your Monark & Firestone Super Deluxe/Cruisers

    Awesome, thanks a lot for those! I'll post mine as soon as I can get outside without becoming a popsickle. It looks like all of these come with deeper fenders than others. :?
  6. skoda

    what bike takes this TANK ?

    37 Schwinn Roadster
  7. skoda

    what bike takes this TANK ?

    There actually was a Schwinn balloon model (pre 1940) called a "roadster" or something like that, it had this frame shape roughly. Seems strange a non Schwinn associated bike would say Excelsior, but there were a LOT of bikes being built then.
  8. skoda

    The Larryville Shuffle (working title)

    I am planning to host a swap this June either in Lawrence Kansas or Columbia Missouri. The second weekend in June is the planned date. I need help. More information to come, but this is intended to break up some of the monotony of the bi/tri/quad annual ho-hum KC swaps. Not that there is...
  9. skoda

    Weird people on Craigslist - Tell your story

    When I get an even remotely weird vibe, and the buyer is coming to pick whatever up, I crack the window on my car, lock it and tape and envelope to the item with instructions to drop it in the car. Then I stay out of site. This way, if they try to bolt, I'm watching. If they have a problem, I...
  10. skoda

    Post Your Monark & Firestone Super Deluxe/Cruisers

    As I'm picking up my first Firestone Super Cruiser tomorrow, I can hardly contain myself. None of these are my photos - I'll post some of my bike after I get it. In the meantime, show off yours! Nateboy's Firestone Chrome!!!! Droooool. LOVE this green color! Rockety Goodness Keep 'em...
  11. skoda

    Royce Union Touring Bike - Violet

    The best thing is the bell-it goes Ding-Donnnng like an old clock. Just two fat long notes. 8)
  12. skoda

    Team Murray Street System 330 BMX

    :roll: :D
  13. skoda

    Elgin Skylark

    Easily one of the top 10 most stunning balloon bike designs ever....and not all picked over. What a great score.
  14. skoda

    Sealed BB removal on newer Haro

    All of the how-to's are vauge at best. They say to work the spindle back and forth until one of the sides comes loose. I'll give that a try, if it seems like it's not going to happen, I'm just going to chop the whole thing out in one piece and surgically remove it with a cutting wheel and drill.
  15. skoda

    Bike thief

    What did it look like? I owe you one, or a couple of favors Bill, if I have one you can use, it's yours. I'll even cover shipping. Post a pic if you have one.
  16. skoda

    How do i get white grips clean?

    SEM or Duplicolor Vinyl paint, sold at body shop/detail supplier and some auto parts stores, comes in white. (it's actually a dye, not paint, so it won't flake off) :D
  17. skoda

    Sealed BB removal on newer Haro

    I picked up a newish Haro BMX with Tekktro V brakes and Alex rims, Cane Creek threadless headset, etc at the thrift store. Has 3 pc cranks with a sealed bottom bracket in a standard sized opening (in the frame) I got the crank arms off no problem. Is there a special method to getting these...
  18. skoda

    ID HELP PLEASE...Todays Find...1890s Wood Wheels?

    There's a potential small fortune there. Those rims will clean up a lot with some careful cleaning. I'd hang that on my wall!
  19. skoda

    Pilen - Swedish Inspired - Killer Design

    In a world of "everything's been done already," this is pretty unique. Pilen concept is a race bike inspired by early Le Mans style, the concept is supposed to create a sentimental bond with the user and also give them the same...
  20. skoda

    Another home repair stand (and good site) ... air-stand/