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  1. dougfisk

    More Big Box Quality

    Good Lord man, have you ever been to Arizona?
  2. dougfisk

    1940 Shelby-built Hiawatha

    I couldn't stand the crappy pictures I posted the first time, so I re-took and re-posted most of them... :grin:
  3. dougfisk

    Store bought cruiser, what's best?

    MB brings up a good point. If you ever plan to ride more than 2 miles, don't fall for the pedal forward hype. There is a reason this "idea" has not caught on for the first 130 years or so of bicycle design. :)
  4. dougfisk

    vintage bike weight

    I would have guessed 55 pounds... :eek: fully equipped with rack, tank, light, & truss rods...
  5. dougfisk

    just got this schwinn put together and striped up

    did you stripe it?
  6. dougfisk

    What? Sued for What?

    Pedestrians may have a right-of-way... but I am thinking that riders on bicycles are not pedestrians, but viewed more as vehicles.
  7. dougfisk

    What can you tell me about this Road King?

    When it exists, it is on the backside of the crown.
  8. dougfisk

    Show us your J.C. Higgins Bikes

    Here is a 46 or so Higgins in what I call Bomber style...
  9. dougfisk

    Memory Lane Finds - 2 Firestones

    I could be wrong, but I think your front fender (braces) came off of a springer fork...
  10. dougfisk

    What can you tell me about this Road King?

    I think Mave Darko is very close, but I would guess 46-48ish on the frame. Look hard at the crown area of the fork as some Huffmans of this era have the year stamped on them.
  11. dougfisk

    More Big Box Quality

    Bingo. The "cantilever" tubes are purely stylistic and are in no way structurally important to the front triangle. That frame may well break, but it won't be where you are focusing your attention, or as result of that weld.... (in my humble opinion :))
  12. dougfisk

    Store bought cruiser, what's best?

    I'm laughing to myself... :D I have been biting my tongue since this thread started because he did say new... :angelic:
  13. dougfisk

    show off your looptails!

    I apologize; I came to this thread via a route such that I did not notice the category title... :oops: Good for a laugh anyway, and a bump to the top... ;)
  14. dougfisk

    show off your looptails!

    You mean like this one?.... 1940 Colson :)
  15. dougfisk

    Thoughts on riding long distance. Well, 20 miles.

    I have been saying this for a while. If you want to get even more fit, you should tow a trailer filled with rocks behind you... :D
  16. dougfisk

    Dry spell?

    Even ebay seems to have dried up... I have the fewest items on my "watch list" ever!
  17. dougfisk

    Grease is the word

    It certainly was this time... :blackeye:
  18. dougfisk

    Rusty/Patina Bicycle Gallery

    1940 Shelby-built Hiawatha in weathered-to-brown original finish.
  19. dougfisk

    Grease is the word

    I buy whatever is on the clearance table at Pep Boys. This last tub is a black colored "synthetic" something or other. It has a weird consistency and doesn't really stick where you put it... ? :confused:
  20. dougfisk

    1936 Elgin Robin

    Well, if you did, it would probably be a '56... ;)