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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. Social Reject

    Suggestions on cheap cruisers

  2. Social Reject

    What's the most common type of bike you see in your area?

    I see mountain bikes with spandex or street clothes and road bikes with spandex. Kids and teenagers ride BMX bikes. Little girls are riding Wal Mart princess white tire bikes. I've seen a couple of people in this town riding cruiser bikes. Folks here constantly refer to them as beach bikes...
  3. Social Reject

    Picked up a real beauty Sears Spyder

    I sent you a PM. I might be interested. Thats a cool bike. :D
  4. Social Reject

    looking for members my age?

  5. Social Reject

    Single speeds rule! (because derailleurs hate me)

    No doubt. Single speed bikes also make me feel like a kid again. I need that during this mid life crisis time of my life. :mrgreen:
  6. Social Reject

    Single speeds rule! (because derailleurs hate me) are you calling me an idiot? :wink: :D Just joking. I know exactly what you mean. My wife has an Electra with a 7 speed internal and I have ridden it a bit myself. It is indeed nice. I don't have a 3 speed, but I've thought a lot about putting one on another bike I have. 1, 3, 7...
  7. Social Reject


    Re: 2010 SKULL SKATES 26" CRUISER I want one. After seeing this thread, I took my kid's BMX Mongoose out and tried jumping it. I was all pretending I was riding the skull skates cruiser. I wrecked my knee pretty bad upon landing. Thanks Rat Rod. You're a bad influence. :D
  8. Social Reject

    Single speeds rule! (because derailleurs hate me)

    I've been riding my single speed coaster brake cruiser for the last several months on trips to the local town center. I have a 6 to 10 mile ride round trip depending on which way I take. I have lots of fair sized hills too with very little flat land. I've been riding a 2008 Trek Classic cruiser...
  9. Social Reject

    '78 FUJI Single Speed + Video (6/21/10)

    Re: '78 FUJI Single Speed Beautiful work! That bike makes me want to get an old 10 speed now. Thanks for showing it. :D
  10. Social Reject

    the knight

    16yrs old? Be careful with that grinder. It can eat your fingers. I saw pics of a guy who had one grab his shirt and it ran up it and grinded his lip and front teeth. Sorry to be so graphic, but I wish some older folks would have told me some of these things when I was a kid. Wear a respirator...
  11. Social Reject

    can i see some NIRVE bikes?!

    Cool bike. Sorry though, I don't even know anyone with a Nirve. I'm an oddity in the town I live in. There aren't too many cruiser riders around here. :cry:
  12. Social Reject


    Surely this isn't called the "Wall of Death". ....looks maybe like the "Basket of Broken Bones". :D
  13. Social Reject

    can i see some NIRVE bikes?!

    Another cool one.
  14. Social Reject

    can i see some NIRVE bikes?!

    I like their B-1's. Here's a particularly cool one I saved a pic of.
  15. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    So.....what if I'm old but want to look cool? :D :D (out of luck I suppose) :wink: :wink: Thanks for the responses guys. It's nice to know that others think trikes are (or can be) cool too. ...and of course it will be customized.
  16. Social Reject


    Ya know I like it. The springer front looks good. I really like the mismatched tires too with the whitewall on the front. I think that rules. Of course the paint looks great.
  17. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    Thanks man for the words of encouragement. I hope nobody sees this thread as any kind of invitation to hate on 3 wheelers or anything. I've got a 3 wheeler in my sights and I'm trying to justify buying it. Space IS one concern for me. I might have to sell a motorcycle to make room. :D
  18. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    That bike is ultra cool.
  19. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    Which is a wonderful thing about this forum. :D
  20. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    Thanks for the reply, but you didn't answer my question. I am simply asking if there is a stigma attached to 3 wheel bicycles like it is attached to 3 wheel motorcycles. There's some real hate for 3 wheel motorcycles from people in the motorcycle world. I like 3 wheel motorcycles and I like 3...