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  1. GameBent

    EBF Group Cruise in San Diego on 10/21

    Fall is coming, but it's still warm and sunny here in SoCal! Come out and join fellow bike-minded people for the October EBF group bike ride around Coronado Island! We start across from the airport and ride down to the Ferry, then take the Ferry over to the beautiful island of Coronado and ride...
  2. GameBent


    Wow, that is really uncool. Can't you just buy a bunch of threadless shirts and take them to a local screen-printer?
  3. GameBent


    Also, have you looked into getting this design on threadless shirts? They don't have a seam going down the sides (around the waist).
  4. GameBent


    I'd buy a large brown, but $27 is very expensive. One request though: please makes it hang long instead of short (past the belt line). I'm not too thrilled with how short the last batch of the classic RRB shirts (the one with the board tracker) were, which makes me wear it less. Edit: I'm 6'...
  5. GameBent

    Kickstand Magazine Update

    I tried to be civil with Brad, but he is just a self-centered ......... scammer. He lies, gives excuses, gets defensive, and stalls, but does not deliver on his promises. He gives biking a bad name and I wish I had never subscribed to his lame magazine. I would seriously like to punch him in the...
  6. GameBent

    show us your chick bikes heres mine

    Here's my Electra Hawaii 3i Custom with a few mods. The frame and rims have metallic flake that sparkles in the sun.
  7. GameBent

    1950 JC Higgins Colorflow Mildly ratty bike

    One of my favorite model cruisers. Very nice!
  8. GameBent

    Paint it Black - The Money Shot

    Cool fender idea! I also like the flow of the bike, including the chainguard and exhaust pipes! Edit: I just noticed the Evanaction springer, very nice indeed!
  9. GameBent

    Steampunk Lands at Tour de Fat 2012 San Diego

    Wow, 20K is a helluva lot of bikers! Thanks for the compliment. I'm new to making Steampunk costumes, so this is a bit amateurish. I know there's no plastic in the Steampunk universe, but I threw this together at the last minute and didn't have time to paint the plastic bits to look like copper...
  10. GameBent

    Steampunk Lands at Tour de Fat 2012 San Diego

    I threw this Skycaptain costume together using clothes from resale shops and mostly bike parts. I think it turned out pretty good. Tour de Fat was awesome and over 3,000 people attended! I'm a New Belgium fan for life!
  11. GameBent

    Electra Bicycle Pics

    From the looks of them, I would guess that they are both between 2002-2005. Here's a reliable way to find out when your Electra was manufactured. Quote from "The third digit (first numerical digit) in the serial number (which is on the bottom of the BB) is the last digit...
  12. GameBent

    Thick Brick Fatti-O Etc GALLERY - Show your FAT TIRES!

    Here's my custom Felt Troy Lee Spray sans Troy Lee.
  13. GameBent

    Tour de Fat San Diego 9/29/12

    That's a sweet one-off cruiser! I'm working on an aviator Steampunk outfit and I'll be registering people for the bike parade and then riding my custom New Belgium-themed Felt. I can't find an affordable factory-made NB Felt, so I made my own! I don't have any recent pics of it, but here's an...
  14. GameBent

    Question on Springer Forks

    The discontinued Electra and Dyno Schwinn-style springers are high quality, and so are the modern Felt and Nirve ones. However, just like everything they sell, the Felt springer is priced way too high.
  15. GameBent

    Another Electra Amsterdam

    Hehehe, good luck on that one!
  16. GameBent

    Another Electra Amsterdam

    Electra patented their 'Pedal Forward' technology that puts the BB a few inches in front of the seat tube. This stretches out the frame and lets the rider sit lower and still have full leg extension. The result is extreme comfort. The raked seat tube is their patented 'Flatfoot' technology that...
  17. GameBent

    Felt Cruiser Frame Question

    It seems as though the later aluminum-frame Felt tank bikes have no welding down the middle. My Felt Troy Lee Spray was made in 2009 and it has no welds down the middle of the tank on the top or bottom. The only welds are thick ones that hold the tank onto the frame. I have grown used to riding...
  18. GameBent

    Tour de Fat San Diego 9/29/12

    Don't forget your bike locks!
  19. GameBent

    Looking for info on this Monark Firestone cruiser

    The seller has since mentioned that it has been restored. I'm glad that you saw it because I was already losing interest, and the faded paint job tells me that it's not worth it. Thanks for posting!
  20. GameBent

    Lets see some street sweeper fenders

    Where can I find some streetsweeper fenders? Do they have to be custom made?