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  1. G

    Schwinn typhoon

  2. G

    Late 1800s early 1900s bike at museum.

    The chain guard sure was intersting. I'd like to see a solid one like that.
  3. G

    Late 1800s early 1900s bike at museum.

    I thought this was cool, a bike at the air museum. Maybe not so much to all of you, I don't know. I included the last pic because I liked the paint scheme. I plan on making my Gary Fisher in similar colours. Don't mind the creeper behind the glass box.
  4. G

    Where to find camelback Schwinns?

    CP, I might be interested in red, as time goes on. I've never seen a yellow one. I wonder if one has ever been made in the 1977 or 1978 Flamingo Pink? That would be cool.
  5. G

    Where to find camelback Schwinns?

    C.P., would that frame happen to be green? Everything I find on Craigslist is sold by the weekend. I know patience will pay off and I'll end up with that green camelback I've been waiting for.
  6. G

    Ideas wanted for my 29er

    A rear rack is all I would do, but I'm not sure they make one for 29ers. I hate riding without something (a fender or rack) over the back tire. I don't like getting rocks and debris in my hair and all over my back. I have a seatpost fender, but it would probably look too small on your bike. I...
  7. G

    Anyone live near Wadsworth OH?

    I do. If only I had the room... :roll:
  8. G

    Saddle Recover Material

    I know that a seat skin is $3 or $4 at the Pull a Part. Next time I'm in there I'm going to get a tan leather one to do a few seats. Seat backs are often in perfect condition and easy to work with.
  9. G

    Green Schwinn For Wife

    I think she digs it (at least the colour). I talked her into this bike for the paved trails. The fenders have some dents and dings. Hopefully a body hammer and a heel dolly can minimize some of them.
  10. G

    Green Schwinn For Wife

    Today we went to the Air Force Museum in Dayton (Ohio) and on the way home we picked up this bike. The museum was a blast, there was so much to see. This time we got to see the Presidential and R&D planes, unlike last visit. It's going to get a different seat, a black springed Mesinger I have...
  11. G

    Where to find camelback Schwinns?

    Looks like I answered my own question. I found a blue and green camelback in neighbouring states... :roll: Looks like a mini trip will be in order real soon.
  12. G

    Where to find camelback Schwinns?

    Thanks for the info. I didn't know they were made for several years. Hopefully I can snag one up locally. I would take any colour now that I think about it. There was a nicer orange Varsity on the Cleveland Craigslist, but for $99 I figured I would save up my money for the camelback when it pops...
  13. G

    Great Allegheny Passage

    I will be camping along the way. Where is the best place to get shorts or padded underwear? A breathable shirt will work a lot better than a cotton t shirt, especially in the middle of the summer. I will probably get dropped off and picked up. It wouldn't be worth it to worry about a car the...
  14. G

    The Future is Here: Trashed Black Friday Stingray

    Lol, that's about right.
  15. G

    Pedal Clearence?

    I once had a bike with about an inch of pedal clearance. I had a 20" wheel on the back and a 26" up front on a cruiser. I scraped pedal a lot and eventually threw the bike in the woods for someone else to enjoy.
  16. G

    Lets see your panniers/ touring bags

    Cool set ups. I'll post mine up when the camera gets back here.
  17. G

    Where to find camelback Schwinns?

    I saw a thread on here with a blue camelback in the "fresh finds" forum, and I was wondering if any were made in green (especially) or orange (my second choice). Other than Craigslist & Ebay ,where would be the best places to look for a specimen? Around here bikes are expensive. At flea...
  18. G

    from the where are they now file. Galt town hooligan 2011

    Cool. I like the front end a lot.
  19. G

    1972 Schwinn Speedster

    That green is simply the best.