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  1. G

    Just how many bikes do we have

    I have 8 or 9 now in two different places. Once is outside in the elements. The most I've had at one time was 14 in 4 different places. I can't wait until I find a house with a garage or barn & basement. Then I'll always be busy on a bike.
  2. G

    These bars look too narrow right?

    They look right with that frame. I like the mustache bars (whatever they're called) on 70s road bikes with narrow tires. It makes for a comfortable ride.
  3. G

    Whats up with 24inch bikes?

    I like my 24" BMX. It's a lot easier for me than a 20". I'm 5'9".
  4. G


    Target has a few nice looking bikes. The only thing I don't like is the decals look to be under the clear. I liked the brown bike above, but I didn't care for the decals.
  5. G

    Schwinn Panther - back to stock!

    The pic with the pool reflection is way cool.
  6. G

    Pee Wee Herman X1 Replica

    I like it all down to the license plate. Good job!
  7. G

    Kansas Fried Cruiser... more stuff 7/09/09

    I would be afraid of the chainguard. Haha. Nice bike & trailer.
  8. G

    1936 Mead Hawthorne Duralium custom

    Good stuff.
  9. G

    I love it when......

    Craigslist here is flooded with junk bikes for $100+. Bikes that are missing their most important components are being listed for more than you can get a similar model at a big box store. I list bikes for $30 and under most of the time. I am realistic with my listings and it usually pays off.
  10. G

    so what else do you collect ?

    Icyuod2, that looks like an excellent place to chill.
  11. G

    When you see a guy on a woman's bike

    Here is the bike I was talking about. I plan on some well used dark blue fenders, mustache bars maybe primered red (the chrome is ruined) , some rusted wheels from a mountain style bike and a springed seat. I am going to remove the decals as well. I am going to use the bars, wheels...
  12. G

    When you see a guy on a woman's bike

    I got one of those that I ride on a regular basis (the "Y" frame). I like bike a lot, plus it was free.
  13. G

    Got to thinking

    I could see this idea appealing to some people. Someone can share their bike with someone of a different size. Similar to memory seat settings in a car.
  14. G

    When you see a guy on a woman's bike

    What do you think when you see this, if anything? I got to thinking of it because the only place I've seen a guy on a woman's bike was in rough neighbourhoods. It seems that if a man buys a bike that it's always the high bar style. I am asking because I am cannabalising a lower end woman's road...
  15. G

    how old were you?

    It all started on a Big Wheel for me. I tore through so many of them that my parents told me I was getting to big for them. I think they got tired of replacing them. My grandparents got me a Huffy when I was 4 or 5 and I rode around on the training wheels. I begged to get them things off and it...
  16. G

    Christmas Rat for the gf is DONE!

    Re: Christmas Rat for the gf. It should look cool when done. Is that a child seat on the back?
  17. G


    So there's where I can get a white seat. I don't use ebay anymore so when I need a part I'll keep this site in mind.
  18. G

    Paint or Patina?

    I dig it. If the seat is comfortable I'd leave it.
  19. G

    How hardcore are you?

    Yesterday I rode 8 miles by moonlight on secondary roads and the rail trail. It was cold, 35F or so. I would say I'm pretty hardcore. If I feel like riding, nothing is going to stop me.
  20. G

    Using a BMX 1 pc crank on a 5 speed

    My bad. The bike has a 1 pc on it now. I just realized that the picture I put up is a 3 pc. I was going to use a bmx 1 pc with a bmx chainwheel.