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  1. C

    Sears Model?

    Picked this up on lunch break yesterday from a scrapper...ideas on model/ pretty much is all there as far as I can see. Chrome is still pretty nice..flaked off in a couple spots so far on front fender while cleaning it up
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    American Flyer Skiptooth

    Anything you can tell me about it .. picking it up this weekend...a little older than I usually find.
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    Truss Rod Brackets

    That would be great, the guys are going to do it on their breaks so it wont be the fastest getting them burnt.
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    American Flyer Skiptooth

    Made the deal on this beauty, not sure what we're going to do with it as far as part out /auction sites or whatnot...but its cool as heck.
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    SOLD Western Flyer Super

    Beautiful bike
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    Truss Rod Brackets

    Thank You ...I just bought a set like that from ebay to copy, I'd like to get a couple others done as well.
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    Red Bikes

    Columbia I got this AM, pulled the trusses from my rat and stripped it to part out. Rides super smooth . I'll have to look up the year tomorrow.
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    Couple new Columbias

    Just did some trade/purchase for these 2 beauts...think I'm going to part out the sterling and see about a motor on the other. I havent been doing much bike stuff the last few years but picking up some stuff here and there and have been able to pretty much trade up to these 2 from some good...
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    NERRB New England Rat Rod Bicycles

    I'm in Plymouth
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    Worksman rear drum

    how did your search go? Ive had the same problem with a Whizzer and light spokes. I got a set of wheels lace up by a guy in Wa..the Wheelmaster (Buchannen?) he laced a motobecane rear drum 10ga spokes to a 19" moped rim for was a little pricey but the wheel was like a battleship. 19"...
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    NERRB New England Rat Rod Bicycles

    Is this group still active? I live in Ma
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    Truss Rod Brackets

    I've found a few threads regarding DIY truss rods. I'm looking for just some good pics/specs of different upper and lower brackets. (Iwork in a machine shop and the CAD guy and sheet metal guy are gonna draw and burn some for me)... any drawings/specs out there? Pic for no particular reason...
  13. C

    Store your used bike parts...

    My "shop" is in the basement, I keep these bags we get valve plates in at work to store stuff in..I usually just put everything neat from a bike into one bag (they can fit up to a 1pc crankset) and then I use the smaller same style for loose /same type items...
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    24x3 wheels

    And on the roadmaster..just a bit more clearence than with the 26x 2.3 Maxxis ..gonna kept eyes peeled for a cheap slightly wider tire and see how wide I'll be able to go with chains on both sides.
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    24x3 wheels

    My husky 24x 2.10 wheel came today..I tried the 24x 2.3 knobby on would work....if the wheel got a bit out of true it would hit the frame...going to look around for somthing a little narrower, I'm also going to throw this on the Motorized Roadmaster for a fit to check becuase I'm at max...
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    24" Slick tires available on the market

    I've been shopping around for 24's as well the widest whitewall I've seen is the "little bricks" 24x2.125
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    Don't tell my 3 orthopedic surgeons I am here...

    Welcome aboard, I'll second the trike, there are some decent conversion kits and alot of guys have done their own (check out atomic zombie) if you went with 20in the rear that would open you up to some nice 16inch moped slicks for the wheels add a bananna seat..
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    Ladies Schwin

    Just got this a couple days ago from a friend a couple house down cleaning out his garage..looks to ne in decent original shape. Honestly I picked it up in the dark and shot these 3 pics yesterday on my way out...and havent even looked at it yet.
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    84-ish Schwinn Heavy Duti

    That's a nice deal for someone nearby.
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    💸Captain Awesomes Fresh Finds/General Ramblings

    Poked my head in to see if it was for sale...glad you are keeping it...if you want to part with the fenders and braces..I'm interested.