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  1. C

    Thompson Classic Bicycle Components - grips and seats

    Hes got stuff listed on Ebay still
  2. C

    Thompson Classic Bicycle Components - grips and seats

    I'm interested in a seat as well
  3. C

    POST- war Huffy (Return of Tiki Time Bomb)

    Great looking score.
  4. C

    Jude's finds

    That would last 2 about seconds on Boston Craiglist
  5. C

    1952 straightbar bmx pandemic build

    Great looking bike
  6. C

    24x3 wheels

    This is the last Whizzer I had 19 motorcycles laced to motobecane and sturmey hubs..those are 2.9", it was tight..cant remember if I had to crimp the stays or not...they were about an inch lower than a 26"
  7. C

    24x3 wheels

    Im figuring out wheels for a couple bikes now..this one I mocked up my sons 24" MB wheel (rim si,e wasnt marked so it calipered it) to see fit and look on a typhoon. 24 x 2.3 in rear and 26x2.4 in front.. rear fender is a front middleweight,..the 2.4 is too fat and rubs the stays..I could crimp...
  8. C

    New Cruiser

    Thanks...I had planned on putting a motor in this one , but when I went to look at it ...I just gave it a quick look , and missed a couple repaired holes in the stays..still a great bike but staying pedal only.
  9. C

    What to do!?

    I like it like it is..I'd clean it up seal any rust spots and that's it..especially if the family rides it.
  10. C

    SOLD Rixie fork #2

    Not familiar with heavy duty are they?
  11. C

    26x2.35" tire, black (Maxxis, Michelin?)

    I've got a set.of Maxxis Holly Rollers on my Roadmaster and love them.
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    It started with a badge

    Great looking bike...the headbadge, that's a find!!
  13. C

    1961 Rollfast

    Great looking bike.
  14. C

    51 Panther

    I'm in the same scenario..51 havent ridden (pedaled) a single speed for any length since about 14yo...just picked up a ratty columbia yesterday. Went for a ride to pick up take out chinese with my son...what a blast...very limited (singl speed) cruising though here (except downtown tourist atea)...
  15. C

    New Cruiser

    Been looking for a cruiser for a while, found this Columbia pretty local for $75 couple small hole in the stays , mismatched pedals, few coats of paint...its perfect. Took it for a good spin tonight and just need the rear wheel tried a little. Gave it a clean and swapped out the seat.
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    51 Panther

    Beautiful bike, my favorite frame!
  17. C

    Kinda New soccer, work and other stuff killed the free time the last few years, but looking forward to tinkering on some projects again. This is a Roadmaster w/ HF79 I picked up off a friend a couple months ago..getting a rebuild and new motor this winter. I also have another 79cc looking...
  18. C

    Skully needs new spokes

    Nice looking sidecar set up.
  19. C

    Kinda New

    Hello, I'm from Ma, I used to post under chainmaker several years ago but couldn't recover any login info. I do mainly Motor=bikes, but dont discriminate against anything with wheels.