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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. N

    Ebay Monark train light $134.50???????!!!!!!!

    OK, disclaimer. I'm all about keeping bikes together and not parting them out. But seriously... I'm looking at train lights on Ebay and the prices are crazy! Even axle nuts for Monarks are $10 each!!! I've been watching some fender "rockets" and those are in the $50-60 range, tail...
  2. N

    Trying to ditch coaster brake

    Thanks Bicycle 808! Lots of info, but I couldn't get the link to work. No problem though, I'll give it a try later.
  3. N

    Trying to ditch coaster brake

    I'm trying to get rid of my coaster brake and move to caliper brakes. Read a few posts, watched a few YOUTube videos on "converting" a coaster brake to a freewheeler. Missing something?? Any help??
  4. N

    Cyclone Board Track Racer

    Nice! I've always loved Cyclones...
  5. N

    Can you accelerate rust?

    I use the salt/vinegar/hydrogen peroxide method. Cheap, safer than a lot of the other stuff I've seen.....and did I mention cheap??
  6. N

    The Necromonger (Getting Tanked and Inked!)

    Finished up great! Makes you b*** look big ;-)
  7. N


    My votes are cast.....too hard! Special recognition should go to The Kingfish for not only building a sick bike, but in encouraging others, and offering praise to other competitors. That's what this is all about. Man, the ideas in this BO were over the top...
  8. N


    Re: FINISHED BIKES: The list We need more pictures of a lot of great ideas!!! George...that bike makes your b*** look big...and the Morturary idea is priceless. I'm dying to see more pics of that front break. Way too many cool ideas, this could be the toughest year for voting yet!
  9. N

    HD Video from the "Shiny Side Up" Bicycle Show

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAZING! I just happened to be in Red Wood City and drove down to San Jose to see the show. Behind Bars did an awesome job of putting on the show. Lots of total art....and yes, I mean art. Many bike clubs...thanks for talking to the old guy from Montana. Too...
  10. N

    Lemon Lime Stardust Fascination

    Sweet!!! Looks like lace is this BO's go-to.....
  11. N


    Re: NDN - fender mount Nice, nice, nice! Oh, instead of the Death Star Ice Cube, try frozen soapstone cubes...they don't water down your Scotch :D
  12. N

    el Bandido

    Lovin' that seat......what character and btw, what caliber?? :mrgreen:
  13. N

    The Heavy Hillclimber

    Talk to us about you antiquing've got some serious skills! I really like this bike!
  14. N

    New Member/First Buid

    Nice transfomation.....that's what makes this site cool. You don't have to start with anything special (not that Huffys aren't special :D) but the finished product is what counts. Really nice bike.
  15. N


    Man, you've got some crazy skills! Nice work again....can't wait to see the finished bike!
  16. N

    Chantilly Lace (She's done) 8/3

    Re: Chantilly Lace (seat ideas) Seat idea........get an old lace table cloth and cover the seat. OK, not very original given what you've already done...nice work... "You make me act so funny, make me spend my money".....
  17. N


    You've given me the courage to bang out a couple of fenders...thanks!
  18. N


    Seat...dug! Great idea for the handlebars.....
  19. N

    Firewing 1953 Columbia 3 Star DeLuxe (2nd) - 3/15 TRADED

    Re: FireWing 53 Columbia 3 Star-5/20 RRBer FireWing Parts This is the KING of total funk! If Rick James had a Rat, this would be it! Nice work :mrgreen: