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  1. N

    P-40 Warhawk "Tex" Hill...maybe Next Year

    Re: P-40 Warhawk "Tex" Hill..update, Back To The Grind stone Amazing! Not just the craftsmanship, but also the ideas! This is what this build off is all about! I can't wait to steal your tank idea.....uh....I mean see the finished project :mrgreen:
  2. N

    Fun With Springs

    Stop everything immediately! Box that up and send it to me before it eats at your heart! :D :D Nice build, the springer sets it off...
  3. N

    Chantilly Lace (She's done) 8/3

    Re: Chantilly Lace "Yeah know what I like!" RIP Big Boppper...
  4. N

    30's Huffman Build Off #8

    I'm lovin' it... When I saw the crank on the wood stove, I thought, what a great idea for a cover for a wood stove..... :D
  5. N

    Spot welding/soldering a Monark cheese grater??

    I have a couple of cheese graters that have one on the bars broken off at the mid post. It looks like I could just hit it with some solder as it is not a structural piece. Anybody/who has ever done this and what was the technique you used. Thanks
  6. N

    Rare Huffman Twin Flex dual springer

    Sorry, the only way I'm going to believe that it is the same bike is if you send it shipping paid to me for further inspection :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Way nice man...
  7. N

    Tooled Leather Tank&Seat

    A-maze-ing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a natural!
  8. N


    I feel for everyone who may have had a bad deal from anyone, including BCT. I don't know the guy, but at some point, his heart was in the right place. We can only guess what might have happened that has caused so much grief. And yes, I too had a bad experience, but enough. Steve, ban him...
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    Nice work all around!
  10. N

    Bare Metal Firestone Super Cruiser

    Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed! So it was neglected.....sounds like you're doing the TLC treatment...can't wait to see it finished!
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    Welcome to you both...can't wait to see the result! nice pics so far, keep 'em comin'!
  12. N

    my finished build.

    Takin' my bike to the graveyard....spooky!
  13. N

    My Top 5 Favorite Original Bikes I've Owned

    Awesome! I've gotta go change my shorts :D :D
  14. N

    Bare Metal Firestone Super Cruiser

    Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed! Hey....I own 2 Monarks, and 2 Firestones! No such thing as a Monark/Firestone POS :D :D :D
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    53' 24" Breast Cancer Phantom (Eva passed away Dec 5th)

    Thanks to whomever bumped this up..... So sorry to here of Eva's passing...
  16. N

    About to commit sacrilege.....

    With the prices of Monark "Train" lights going through the roof why hasn't anybody done a repop version? I know, I know purists will say...."Death the the infidel!". But at this point, I need about 3 of them for projects, and just can't justify spending a hundred a pop for the train, and then...
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    Bike for a bikeless kid! "Mission Accomplished!"

    Re: Bike for a bikeless kid! Top Shelf...!
  18. N

    Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

    After watching the show, I gained a bit more respect for what OCC did, but they too missed the deadline. And when you have a staff as large as OCC, you shouldn't have to miss deadlines. PJD did a cool bike, but I can see where it was a big of a pig. I agree, Paul Jr. is a designer...
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    Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

    Jr. did what he does.....took some real design talent and some great fabrication and beat Sr. at his own school meets old school meets techno. Jesse's bike surprised me the most. I didn't watch the show and commented on another blog when I saw the 4 bikes. Without knowing whose...
  20. N

    Best way to do "body work" on bikes

    Good ideas all. Any body ever use a "fender roller"?? I've seen talk about it...maybe here, maybe on the CABE.