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  1. N

    How to create a patina?

    Hydrogen Peroxide, Salt, White with the amounts..
  2. N


    Jason (member ohdeebee) is in Manotowoc (sp) I think he knows this guy.....
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    LA. Bike Fest

    Wonderful day in Abita Springs, La. Awesome Fest....lots of cool bikes....can you say jet/electric hybrid??? Or young woman in full majorette outfit...on a tandem...made to look like an alligator courtesy of great paper mache' artwork....fabulous!!! I'll post pics....brew pub 2 blocks...
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    Monark Dual Springer Fork

    I don't disagree with anything has said so far, I'm just looking for measurable facts. When the maker doesn't speak up and people are trash talking his product, it does make me wonder. So, Mr. Monark Forks.....what do you have to say. How about some facts on the numbers??
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    Monark Dual Springer Fork

    Aside from anecdotal evidence, what is the actual number of people who bought the "Type 1" compared to people who had problems with it? "Safety" is pretty broad. Who got hurt? How specifically did they get hurt? What parts failed? I think when you look at the data, you ca n make some clear...
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    Louisiana Bicycle Festival This Weekend June 18th

    In New Orleans visiting family....I'll be there. I'll be the old guy with the grey RRB T Shirt.....
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    Mofo / MoFaux 8/1 They're Done!

    Re: Mofo You're right about the little details. A few weeks back, I went to a Bike Fest in Livingston Montana and entered my bike. I think the old wooden beer crate on the back filled with empties push me over the top...I won 3rd Place Best in Show! Nice touch on the seat...I like simple design.
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    Barney Fife

    I'm lovin' this bike!! Are you gonna have a pic of Ol' Barn anywhere on the bike...?
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    Re-fabbing a front fender from a rear fender

    After watching a deep Monark front fender sell for $305 lasta weekend on Feebay, I thought....I'm never going to get one of these :( Then I purchased a couple of cheesegrater racks, a rear fender, and a chain guard and thought....why not re-fab a front from the rear :idea: Does anybody have...
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    █ ▌▌G.I.JESSE JAMES ▌▌█

    Re: █ ▌▌G.I.JESSE JAMES ▌▌█ 5/17 Sidecar Beginnings pg19 You planning on drilling a whole bunch of "lightening" holes in that frame??
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    Coast to Coast store bike?

    Got one of these off Freecycle for the wife...not bad actually.
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    While I've made a few headbadges for folks recently (in my style) you are still "da man"...Nice work Axe!
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    *I've Got My Spine, I've Got My Orange Crush* (Done!)

    Re: I've Got My Orange Crush (Paint and Handlebars-May 25) Silicone caulk is my go to product as well. You might go to a site called "Instructables" and search for something called "Sugru", or the DIY version "OOgoo". It is a recipe for mixing silicone caulk and corn starch together and...
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    Long Black Train...Video pg. 5

    Re: Long Black Train My kinda ride.................................nice!
  15. N

    Possible Monark? Help identifying would be nice. =D

    Am I not seeing the pics?? As for the paint, my Monark/Firestone has very light imprinted serial number on the bottom of the CC. If the numbers are stamped, take the paint off with a little 0000 steel wool. If there isn't a plate on the CC, look close, they might still be there.
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    Got bored on lunch brake today

    Maybe you could add this to my thread on truss rod brackets. There are a lot more truss rods out there than there are brackets...I'm just sayin'..
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    Murray Monterey

    My motorized bike started out as a Murray Monterey...Garage Sale $10 special. It's held up well, and recently, I upgraded the gas tank (moved to the rear rack, ditched the peanut) and added some details to the front end. Nice bikes actually..
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    Ya done good's still good now. Besides I own a T shirt :D