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  1. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Laid some wood down today
  2. bicycleguy

    Local Car Show

    Looks like their was quite a variety of cars! That rock crawler / buggy thing is crazy 8)
  3. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    It is pretty tight on the inside but I think I can manage. I cut out some flanges today and started a set of headers.
  4. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    I haven't posted any updates in a while but I'm still working on it. Radius rods on, motor and tranny mounts, panhard bar in the rear, body mounts and finished a frame for the floor. Today I shortened the steering column 8" and got it tacked into place.
  5. bicycleguy

    Any Motorcycle Guys? I need your opinion

    I don't know the motorcycle market in WI but around here that's about what they're going for. I wouldn't consider it a bad deal but not a great deal either. I think you need to chop your kawi! :wink:
  6. bicycleguy

    Your favorite non-bike site
  7. bicycleguy

    Sad story,73 Charger and a kids bad father

    That's terrible about his father but at least he has a great role model and influence like you to help him along.
  8. bicycleguy

    Re: Scored ANOTHER cool project! Old John Deere

    Re: Scored ANOTHER cool project! Mini dune buggy! That's a cool trade! I think it would look a lot meaner with some bigger wheels and tires.
  9. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    I'm just using the u bolts to hold the front end together for now, I'll figure something else out before I get it ready for the road.
  10. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

  11. bicycleguy

    Show us them cars!

    not quite a rat rod, more of a kustom
  12. bicycleguy

    Shimano 333 stifter work with a Sturmey Archer hub

    I'm pretty sure the spacing / pull is different. I had a shifter like that and an older Sturmey hub and I couldn't never get it to work just right, I could get it to shift into every gear but it never worked like I wanted it to.
  13. bicycleguy

    Spray can vs Powder coating

    There's a shop here in Portland that does multiple color powder coating, mostly road bike frames with different color lugs than the tubing. I've seen a few frames that they've done and it's pretty cool!
  14. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Front end is coming together.
  15. bicycleguy

    RALLY RAT! More Painting! Woo Hoo!

    Re: Salt Flat Rat Rad! Can't wait to see some more progress 8)
  16. bicycleguy

    Coaster brake hub modifying?

    I don't think it would be that hard to do, this is just what I was thinking. With the right combo of cones, bearings and lock nuts it could work!
  17. bicycleguy

    Monark frame repair?

    I've seen a few of those frames that are cracked or broken. If it were me I'd get it welded then just keep an eye on it to make sure there aren't any hairline cracks or small stress fractures.
  18. bicycleguy

    1953 Buick Special

    The old tires were cracking pretty bad and they got to the point where I didn't feel safe driving on them so I picked up a set of used WWW on craigslist.
  19. bicycleguy


    I just heard about this a few minutes ago. Sad day, RIP MCA
  20. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    That's good to know, thanks for the info! I know my local wrecking yard has about 30 late 60's - late 70's Ford pickups so I'll have to check them out next time I'm there.