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  1. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

  2. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Got the rear end in and all together, now onto the front.
  3. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    I'm gonna see how it goes without boxing it because it feels pretty stiff already but I'm guessing that'll change when I drop a 500hp big block in it. I'll probably end up boxing at least the front, maybe more.
  4. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    I turned it that way because it's easier to weld in crossmembers and there is more surface are the weld on, when it all said and done the only part of the frame that you'll see is from the firewall forward and yes, it is galvanized. I traded the station wagon for the Buick which is now my daily...
  5. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    I have 2 more crossmembers and a bunch more gussets I need to put in but I need the get the motor and tranny figured out first so I know where to put them. I'm a big fan of overbuilding things "when in doubt, build hella stout".
  6. bicycleguy

    Dream Car or Bikes?

    It's a coaster brake :wink:
  7. bicycleguy

    Dream Car or Bikes?

    I love 460's because there is sooo much easy torque out of 'em but they drink more than an alcoholic. Ended up trading my tall bike straight up for his motor and trans today. I'm pretty happy with it but now my only bike is a ghetto swing bike :cry: Guess I need to build more.
  8. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Also traded my tallbike for a running 460 and C6 transmission.
  9. bicycleguy

    Dream Car or Bikes?

    Just saw this thread and laughed a little because I'm working on a trade with a guy, all my bikes for his 460 big block and a C6. :lol:
  10. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

  11. bicycleguy

    shopping cart ratrod?

    Awesome! I Hopefully whoever built it fixed the one bad wheel that ALL carts seem to have. 8)
  12. bicycleguy


    Got this done a few months ago. When I get some more money in my tattoo fund I want to get this on my left arm. (I'm by no means an artist this is just a sketch, I'll have my tattoo guy redraw it before I get it permanent.)
  13. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

  14. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Welded the right frame rail together, took all night because I would get everything setup and ready to weld then it would start to rain for an hour then it would clear up long enough for me to lay a few beads ... Still have a bunch of gussets to add before it's done. 9 1/2" Z in the rear and 2"...
  15. bicycleguy

    Re: Scored ANOTHER cool project! Old John Deere

    Re: Scored a cool project! Seat done! I say duct tape it! you could always tape it then spray some sort of clear / lacquer over it to help protect it from the elements.
  16. bicycleguy

    Bagged & Shaved '62 Comet Wagon

    I didn't notch it or mess with the suspension at all and I don't have any pics of the rear end. I would go take a few pics for you but I sold it a while back.
  17. bicycleguy

    Re: Scored ANOTHER cool project! Old John Deere

    Re: Scored a cool project! PICS INSIDE! I dig that seat! 8)
  18. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Started on the frame...
  19. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    Being broke sucks but it also makes you more creative and I think you learn to do way more because you can't go out and buy every part that will work perfect together, you have to make it work. Started working on the frame today, That '32 looks sweet
  20. bicycleguy

    '38 Ford Pickup

    My neighbor across the street has a 289 and C4 that he keeps trying to sell to me, I can get it for a good deal but I need to scrape some $ together. I'm just a broke high school kid trying to build a hot rod for cheap. Picked up a pair of goodyear's for the front and some 15" steelies today.