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  1. br549

    Messing about with Bars

    here's something different, flip the apes upside down, make a knuckle-dragger! Hehe Hey, it's different! You'll be the first to do it, maybe? 8)
  2. br549

    MTD SS5 Chopper

    I can see that bike with a rat fink theme, rat head shifter knob,
  3. br549

    Merry Christmas!

    I love nickel plate, just not so much a fan of zinc plate, looks cheap. LIke comparing a Russian SKS to a Chinese SKS.
  4. br549


    Hey bean; I'll trade ya my Herc for that skiptooth
  5. br549

    196? Foremost Find

    Traded my 'goose for this one the other day. Anybody ever heard of Foremost? Gonna go flat black, red rims, leather saddle, grips, whitewalls, the usual treatment.
  6. br549


    Re: early bicycle photos not really vintage, but didn't know where else to put it. I always wanted one of those!
  7. br549

    Info on my new Firestone

    Hey Bean; sorry I didn't make it over today, got involved with the mustang and the cowboys (they s....k) I like the rocket. got an interesting trade proposal for a 24" Mongoose cruiser, I'll check it out this week sometime. :mrgreen:
  8. br549

    Merry Christmas!

    Don't get me wrong either, I'm not in love with chrome by any stretch. Unless it's a '59 Impala. But not my '53 Catalina It's definitely rat.
  9. br549

    SO. CAL RATROD NEWBIE HERE ([email protected]

    Hey Hotwheels, speakin of hot wheels, I picked up the new edition of the original batmobile the other day. It's the 2007 version. Got it hangin on the wall with my other couple of special hotwheels. I've also got an original 196? Ford GT40 with redline tires.
  10. br549

    Kmart special

    picture please
  11. br549

    Cool Garage fabs of all types...

    Thats awesome. Now I have new wallpaper!
  12. br549

    Two bikes I built

    Like what youve done with the huffy. I think that's the look I'm going for on my current project. I also like the color on the other bike. How much do you want for the V-dub? Here's one I did a coupla years ago. They're great cars if ya maintain em. Expensive to work on. and unique to drive.
  13. br549

    New toy!!!

    Woohooo!!!! My 327 finally has a ride, can't wait to drop that baby in and start burnin some rubber!
  14. br549

    Hye from dunkerque France

    I dig it, maybe with a Brooks saddle though
  15. br549

    late intro

    Welcome G-Tek. West side was my old stompin grounds, went to Western Hills HS! Class of '86
  16. br549

    SO. CAL RATROD NEWBIE HERE ([email protected]

    Welcome, nice ride! Keep er the way it is!
  17. br549

    Cool Rat Motorcycle

    Here's my rat Kawasaki 80 Cost me $50, plus a set of front forks, tires, coupla rims, somebody endo'd it hard, other than that it ran like a convenience store burrito
  18. br549

    Old man newbie

    Here's me and my Murray or Western flyer? 1976? CCR, thanks for the Junior pic!
  19. br549

    My Last Rat Rod....

    Karfer, fix yer avitar!
  20. br549

    3 ten speeders and a z force

    the z-force is wild, don't think I've seen one of those before