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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. Leo

    Prewar Savage - Tank & rack

    Re: Stacy's Savage wow! looking great man! i like the fenders!
  2. Leo

    Grad gift for my kid Sis...

    nice bike! congrats! nice color, nice wheels. great job
  3. Leo

    PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina NEW PICS!!!

    Re: PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina ey man! yes, in this world cup you have a team with spirit, pasion... i am very happy with the today match! Germany, go home! thanks man! its allways a trouble make good bike here... in the south of the world! long long away!
  4. Leo

    Schwinn Heavy Duti Ratrod Style

    excellent work man! i love the paint!
  5. Leo

    Basman 346 updated new rubber 4-21-13

    Re: Basman 346 updated new rubber 6-26-10 Greats tires! excellent man lika allways! amazin bike, congrats!
  6. Leo

    Board Track Style Bicycle From England ( GRADY ROCKET )

    Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England Excellent work man! very very nice paint! congrats!
  7. Leo

    Fat Rat Racer

    :D very nice bike! i love it man! congrats!
  8. Leo


    Re: De Lawwill Cruz - bike for my wife. niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i like the fork, nice work!
  9. Leo

    UnOfficialMusclecar/Bike Buildoff

    Excellent bikes man! amazin! good job in the shifter and the taste man, wow! cheers!
  10. Leo

    PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina NEW PICS!!!

    Re: PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina thanks man!
  11. Leo

    PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina NEW PICS!!!

    Re: PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina Argentina and Martin Palermo are the Arg Soccer Army... jajajaj. Good luck you-rugua in the world cup! sudacas (south american people) rulez in the world cup!
  12. Leo

    PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina NEW PICS!!!

    Re: PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina abrazo señor, le mando un abrazo y seguimos en contacto...
  13. Leo

    PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina NEW PICS!!!

    Re: PEARL HARBOR by Chopper King from Argentina ey! vos sos el famoso castelli! jajajaj que buena onda que escribiste... Dentro del ambiente Kustom sos conocido man aca. Esta bueno entrar en contacto. La bici es una chopper king que la hice en conjunto con ellos... les pase las...
  14. Leo

    electra whith retro-direct drive

    very nice man! excellent job! a very very very nice paint! the color is amazin, i didnt see before! cheers!
  15. Leo

    Dr. Sizzle's "The Wolf bike Bobber"

    very nice! the paint and handlebars are very nice touch! i love it! congrats!
  16. Leo

    The Gilly

    i like it! very nice bike! congrats!
  17. Leo

    Update!! Got crank and sprocket Manta-x? Mantabmx new Build

    Re: Update!! Manta-x? Mantabmx new Build yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! BMW tribute rulez! good job!
  18. Leo

    Grad gift for my kid Sis...

    very nice... good work!
  19. Leo

    The Good the Cheap and the Argyle...

    niceeeee!!!! very nice bike, good taste bro... cheers!
  20. Leo

    The Galtbacken 18

    very nice man, all details are amazin, a very very big inspiration to me. in the south of the world man! jajajaj.